Millennial Dreams

Millennial Dreams - Dreams of socialism in a fantasy landscape of hypocrisy
Millennial Dreams

If it was so destructive to our nation, the Millennials’ dreams of Socialism and enforced equality of result – along with a total lack of discernment in any matter except where and when said discernment can be used to further a meritless egalitarian State – would be utterly and completely hilarious due to these Millennials complete lack of self-awareness and/or rank hypocrisy.

Truly! Seeing, hearing, and/or reading of these younger “Latte Liberals” decrying capitalism, America culture, and their own race while bedecked in- and festooned with so many iconic trappings of capitalism and American-style consumerism just makes a person want to laugh.  It’s almost as if they don’t know that so very much of their accoutrements are made by “Brown” and “Yellow” people who are working for wages and in conditions that are by normative Western standards quasi-slave labor…but hey! The companies say the right things and donate to leftist causes…

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They Woke Into Nightmare

They Woke Into Nightmare
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

This is so funny and so perfect. The only way you can really be sure that this is comedic fantasy is that the Millennial Snowflakes would never see their condition as needing treatment and/or therapy.

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Trump’s Handicap

Certain sorts are obsessed with the President’s golfing and with trying to make something evil out of it, e.g. CNN’s recent #TruckGate conspiracy theorizing. Of course, these same sorts are also pathologically obsessed with declaring that anything and everything that our President says or does – or doesn’t say, or doesn’t do – is wrong, stupid, and evil…Oh, yeah, and racist of course.

Trump's Handicap
Trump’s Handicap

That’s the sad and horrific truth of it. President Trumps isn’t 2.8 as the USGA Handicap Index official rates it; it’s that he’s not Obama…and also not Hillary Clinton, whose destiny he is thought to have stolen.

To be fair though, some people nonsensically had issues with Obama’s golfing as well. The difference being the level of hatred involved being far greater now and the inclusion of the MSM in the vanguard of those ranting about it. But then this is part of President Trump’s handicap; the Lamestream Media has long considered themselves America’s kingmakers and Trump’s election blew that self-aggrandizing fantasy out of the water, as did his shining the light of public awareness upon just how much of what they “report” is Fake News.

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1st Snowflakes Of 2018

1st Snowflakes Of 2018
1st Snowflakes Of 2018

Yeah, you just know that numbers of deranged and still unmedicated Liberals and Progressives are ringing in the new year, not with joyous cries but with sobs and bitter mutterings. Happily, among and foremost of them will be Kathy Griffin since even CNN fired her from their New Year’s programming this year.

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The Highlights Of 2017

The Highlights Of 2017

2017 was a very interesting year, a true watershed in the history of the world, the West, and America. What makes it even odder to me that the one thing that sums up the highlights of 2017 actually took place in 2016, specifically on November 8th.

Yes! This video, though from 2016, sums up the foundation of what was 2017. It was, with the amazing and largely unexpected election of Donald Trump to the US Presidency, a year of America rebirth. Of course, like all births, it was accompanied by blood, sweat, and tears. In this case, the blood, sweat and bitter tears of Liberal and Progressives of all flavors as the weeped and gnashed their teeth over a birth that they unsurprisingly so wanted to abort. 😉

Yes, 2017 was the best of years…for we, the People; it was the worst of years for those others living within the borders of our once and future great nation.

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