Yeah, I Was Right

Yeah, I Was Right - They Removed Biden
Yeah, I Was Right – They Removed Biden

Yeah, I was right. Last weekend was then end of Biden’s hopes for a second term. His “COVID diagnosis” was it for him, which is what I expected.

It’s OK, Joe. Just Just Need A Little Rest

It went exactly as I expected. Joe said a serious medical condition would cause him to bow out and within 24 hours of that statement being publicly released he “tested positive” for COVID-19 and had to isolate at his home in Delaware. And, within 48 hours of that he formally ended his campaign.

Uh huh. It is to laugh. The power brokers in the Democrat party – in true Senatorial fashion – stuck their knives in his hopes of reelection. That trip home to convalesce was a bit more permanent than was let on.

I’ve got to wonder though; did Joe, in pain and shock, say, “Et tu, Barak?” while Kamala’s hyena snicker echoed through the room?

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Their Husbands

First Ladies On Their Husbands
First Ladies On Their Husbands

Three First Ladies on their husbands. 😆 Well, it would be if the Mooch and Jill were honest with the public.

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Blackest Hypocrisy

Moochelle's Blackest Hypocrisy
Moochelle’s Blackest Hypocrisy

Nothing new. Nothing special. Just “The Mooch” acting and jabbering like every other unconscionably wealthy Leftard elitist. It’s just this beast crying out how “Someone” – which never, ever includes themselves or their coterie – his going to have to except harm for the sake of some set of specially protected and privileged others.

Truly though, this is the blackest hyprocrisy. And yet. at the same time, how very White of her. 😆

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The FBI Raid Chart

The FBI Raid Chart
The FBI Raid Chart

Ah yes. The FBI Raid Chart. It’s been around since Obama weaponized the entirety of the DOJ against the true-born and rightly-raised People of America. It’s just gotten worse, more overt, and less apologetic in recent years. What they did to President Trump and his family is just the most recent and most egregious offense by The Democrats’ jackboots.

Because Only Certain People Can Be Targeted
Because Only Certain People Can Be Targeted

And this is the one thing our self-proclaimed domestic enemies, the Democrats and their sorts, either don’t understand or blindly deny. A lot of us Americans either aren’t especially bothered by the FBI raiding President Trump’s home or, like me, are ambivalent due to this situation being fairly complex. What were far more than merely bothered by is that others haven’t been raided or even investigated and it’s more than obvious that the FBI’s choice of targets have been totally and solely politically motivated.

It’s obvious to a large number of us, irrespective of how we feel about President Trump, that the entirety of the federal agency apparatus and related personnel have been suborned by Democrats and are et al and in toto illegitimate, an enemy occupying force, and a clear and present existential threat to ourselves, our loved ones, and our nation.

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A Sign Of Our Times

Biden - A Sign Of Our Times
Biden – A Sign Of Our Times

Whether he’s described as the Biggest Idiot Destroying Entire Nation, the Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Elected, or simply as Brandon, Creepy Uncle “Bad Hands” Joe is a sign of our times. Sadly, almost exactly as his previous boss, Obama, Biden is a symptom of the cancer plaguing America, not the horrific, disfiguring, and ultimately fatal disease itself.

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