The rays from this beacon, lighting this gateway to the continent, will welcome the poor and the persecuted with the hope and promise of homes and citizenship. It will teach them that there is room and brotherhood for all who will support our institutions and aid in our development; but that those who come to disturb our peace and dethrone our laws are aliens and enemies forever.
jonolan on Bikini Interlude 92: “At the risk of poorly extrapolating your position, I’d say that you prefer a more natural, less worked at /…” Jul 28, 08:50
jonolan on Yeah, I Was Right: “Thanks. Got to admit though, I’m not that happy to be right this time. While I loath Democrats et al,…” Jul 25, 09:36
Tyler, the Portly Politico on Bikini Interlude 92: “I find that kind of effortless (and somewhat modest) Beauty far more enticing and attractive than the girls with the…” Jul 23, 09:36
Modern tolerance as violently preached by the Left, much like diversity and/or inclusion is only such if one considers the Orwellian language, Newspeak to be acceptable and proper. The word is a shibboleth for our domestic enemies, but it is very, very, very much “doubleplusungood.”
This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 at 1:00 pm and is filed under Politics, Society.
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From the river to the sea, this land is the land of the Jews, Israel. And, even that is a compromise caused by millennia of foreign oppression of the Jewish people and the perfidy of anti-Semite European powers.
Of course, all the pro-Hamas sorts, i.e., Democrats, will instantly declare this image and post as being genocidal hate speech… and they will do so with an utter and total lack of irony. 🙄
This entry was posted on Saturday, November 11th, 2023 at 12:00 pm and is filed under Politics.
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When it comes to the impeachment of Joe Biden for a plethora of high crimes, the Dems have made great progress in processing with the evidence against him… Not, of course, that it matters one way or another. Biden could be caught raping his son, Hunter’s five year-old crack baby and the Dems in the House would fight the indictment and those in the Senate would block the conviction.
This entry was posted on Monday, September 25th, 2023 at 12:00 pm and is filed under Humor, Politics.
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It’s a bit ironic that Tlaib and Omar, both with deep ties to foreign groups and Muslim Organizations have issues with Jews being allowed to serve in Congress, claiming that they have “Double Loyalty” – .presumably to both the US and Israel. Well, it would be ironic if they weren’t just jabbering genocidal, antisemitism – genocidal antisemitism which is major part of the core orthodoxy of Islam and Islamic law.
The only problem with this political cartoon is that it, in my opinion, implies that Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar also have “double loyalty.” This seems far from factual to me since I firmly and sincerely disbelieve that either of these two bints have any loyalty to America at all. And how could they be loyal in the first place when by blood, by birth, and by creed they were created and raised to America’s enemies? That they our nation’s, our people’s, and our allies enemies was a foregone conclusion.
This entry was posted on Friday, January 27th, 2023 at 9:30 am and is filed under Politics.
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Two men, President Trump and Joe Biden, two closets, two sets of restricted and controlled documents inappropriately in their possession, and two very different results and reactions. But then, this is what happens when the Democrats weaponize as much of the Deep State as possible in order to target and persecute someone.
This entry was posted on Friday, January 13th, 2023 at 9:00 am and is filed under Politics.
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