70 Years Of Gaza & Israel

70 Years Of Gaza & Israel
70 Years Of Gaza & Israel

That sums up the 70’ish years of Gaza and Israel. The Israelites grew a lush garden and a high-tech powerhouse out of the desert, whereas the Gazans dug down deep into the some of darkest depths of human evil. Each moved forward according to their proclivities and faiths with equal fervor.

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Just Another College Student

Just Another College Student
Just Another College Student

Sadly, this isn’t newsworthy any longer. It’s just another college student on a campus – this particular one happens to at NYU in Manhattan – openly calling for the death of Jews. It’s not even particularly unusual or brazen for it be waving a sign indicating that Jews are trash to be disposed of. This is the current normal.

Understand that almost 2/3rds of college students believe that Hamas’ Oct 7th attack was genocidal, but just over half of them believe that it was justified. But, of course, just over half of college students are adamant that Israel is committing genocide and that there can be no justification for it.

This is what the colleges and universities, all committed to Leftist ideologies, have wrought. This is what they endorse. This is damn close to being what they demand, given how they attack any other position.

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A Note To Muslims

A Note To Muslims
A Note To Muslims

A simple note to Muslims and their collaborators within America. ๐Ÿ˜‰ You’re actions will have painful consequences for yourselves and your kin.

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Why Nits Make Lice

Why Nits Become Lice
Why Nits Make Lice

Whenever one is faced with a multi-generational conflict, especially an existential one, one is faced with the question of why “nits make lice” – why does the conflict keep going? The answer is easy, especially so in the case of the Gazans. They’re raised to be such and perpetuate the hate. It’s also why there are at this point no true civilians in Gaza. Nits are raised to be lice and they have been for generations.

This is reality. They cannot be turned. They must be exterminated
This Is Reality

Yes; sadly the above is reality. It is a scene from an elementary school play in Gaza. Equally sadly and far more maddening is the fact that the pro-Hamas, anti-semites – all of whom happen to be Democrats in the US – scream out about supposed genocide and the murder of children when these nits fall in war.

Nits make lice if they’re raised to do so. Don’t cry when they’re killed off to end the infestation. You should have cried out and stepped in when the previous generation started turning them.

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Israel Protests

Israel Protests - Anti- vs. Pro-
Israel Protests – Anti vs. Pro

Protests involving Israel’s right to defend itself and its people from Muslim savagery vary greatly depending upon whether the protests are against Israel’s existence or for it. The differences are easy to spot.

Sadly, since the anti-Israel “protestors” mostly cause havoc in Democrat-controlled zones, they’re treated as is if they were as peaceful and proper as theโ€‚pro-Israel demonstrations. It’s fast reaching the point when Americans will have to take matters into our own hands and exterminate these vermin root and branch in such a manner as to have a long-lasting “chilling effect” on such things as would support our enemies, both foreign and domestic.

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