Hamas Is Hamas

Hamas Is Hamas - All Should Be Exterminated
Hamas Is Hamas – All Should Be Exterminated

Just a reminder – Hamas is Hamas. It doesn’t matter if they’re in Gaza or on a campus in America. They all belong in landfills.

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One of the most telling and evocative pieces of art I’ve seen in a while. It is the visual encapsulation of Hamas today. You can literally tell if one of Gazans is lying because simply by it speaking. And, you can tell it’s going to lie again simply because it’s still breathing.

Sadly for humanity, Gazanoccio seems to be disturbingly effective in these degenerate times. Between the Hamas members in our nation’s universities, the Anti-Semites across Europe and all of Africa, and those various entities across the globe who are more than happy to use Israel as a proxy war against America, it paints a bleak future for the world.

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From The City To The Plaza

From The City To The Plaza
From The City To The Plaza

At a bare, barren minimum, every single foreigner within our borders who actively supports Hamas should be rounded up and deported. And yes, if we could arrange it, they should be deported to Gaza so that they can die there. As for any titular US citizens who are doing the same, they should be arrested under Title 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason, because they have and are most certainly meet the legal standard of “adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States.”

And yes, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Democrats, I absolutely and wholeheartedly believe that the DOJ should perfectly make it clear when they do so that they’re seeking the death penalty for these vermin’s crimes.

Oh! And no, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Democrats, this would not in any way, shape, or fashion violate these filth’s 1st Amendment right right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Even if one ignores in the vermin’s favor the legal definition of peaceably, the 1st Amendment is not 100% absolute. A perfect and very pointed example being the German American Bund in the 1930s and 1940s. At first, when the US was not a declared enemy of the Third Reich, the Bund was allowed and even protected from reprisals by American citizens. However, at the end of 1941 when America official joined World War II, the government utterly shut them down, arrested their leaders, and even dissolved the US citizenship of their primary leader, Fritz Kuhn and deported him to Germany.

So please, from the city to the plaza, deport these filth to Gaza or consign their remains to landfills.

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Of Queers & Palestine

Of Queers & Palestine
Of Queers & Palestine

Queers and “Palestine,” are a very odd and mentally diseased intersection, mostly because of the the dramatic difference between the queers inside America’s borders and the queers in either of the two areas of Israel that the Left calls Palestine.

My personal opinion is the we should round these “Queers for Palestine” up and forcibly ship them to either Gaza or the Palestinian Authority – the latter being logistically far easier right now – and let them meet whatever fates they deserve and whatever the Muslims there choose to enact upon them.

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70 Years Of Gaza & Israel

70 Years Of Gaza & Israel
70 Years Of Gaza & Israel

That sums up the 70’ish years of Gaza and Israel. The Israelites grew a lush garden and a high-tech powerhouse out of the desert, whereas the Gazans dug down deep into the some of darkest depths of human evil. Each moved forward according to their proclivities and faiths with equal fervor.

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