70 Years Of Gaza & Israel

70 Years Of Gaza & Israel
70 Years Of Gaza & Israel

That sums up the 70’ish years of Gaza and Israel. The Israelites grew a lush garden and a high-tech powerhouse out of the desert, whereas the Gazans dug down deep into the some of darkest depths of human evil. Each moved forward according to their proclivities and faiths with equal fervor.

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Modern History

Modern History Explained
Modern History Explained

A simple infographic to explain modern history – both Man’s and Muslims’ – in a simple, easy to understand manner. It’s not pretty, but the truth rarely is.

Remember, it should come as no surprise that the Muslims and their allies in the Civilized World (Dar al-saalihin) have to – and regularly do in arguments – have to reach back centuries to find examples of anything good or “progressive” that came out of the Muslim World (Dar al-Alhawam). Similarly, they have to go back just about as far to find examples of Man behaving as Muslims do now.

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How Progress Works

How Progress Works
How Progress Works

Societies are a lot like species. Progress aka Evolution more often than not results in something weaker and more easily domesticated deriving from a stronger, more independent past when evolution was allowed to progress without the controls and guidance of Intelligent Design. ๐Ÿ˜‰

What has been happening in the West vs. what has not been happening in the East are the perfect example and control group for this.

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Obsolescence Payback

Obsolescence Payback
Obsolescence Payback

Hehe. I guess we could call this the Analog Revolution. ๐Ÿ˜† I do wonder though if this joke isn’t oddly prophetic.

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Stick Your Progress…

Stick Your Progress Where The Sun Don’t Shine

Country music star, John Rich sums up the vast majority of Americans’ opinion of our domestic enemies’ agenda in his latest hit, โ€œProgress.” Simply put, Americans don’t want what the Left calls progress and recognize that the steps that have been taken to achieve it haven’t worked at all and have just caused us extensive harm.

The true shame though is that the Leftists won’t listen, which means Americans are more than likely going to have to put them where the sun don’t shine. And that dirt their going to be under? It’s ain’t going to be hallowed ground.

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