

One of the most telling and evocative pieces of art I’ve seen in a while. It is the visual encapsulation of Hamas today. You can literally tell if one of Gazans is lying because simply by it speaking. And, you can tell it’s going to lie again simply because it’s still breathing.

Sadly for humanity, Gazanoccio seems to be disturbingly effective in these degenerate times. Between the Hamas members in our nation’s universities, the Anti-Semites across Europe and all of Africa, and those various entities across the globe who are more than happy to use Israel as a proxy war against America, it paints a bleak future for the world.

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American Morning Routine

Perfect American Morning Routine
Perfect American Morning Routine

Cultivating a good morning routine is essential. In these times, this seems to be the best morning routine to adhere to. It’s good for you. It’s good for your family. It’s good for our nation. And, it’s good for the world.

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70 Years Of Gaza & Israel

70 Years Of Gaza & Israel
70 Years Of Gaza & Israel

That sums up the 70’ish years of Gaza and Israel. The Israelites grew a lush garden and a high-tech powerhouse out of the desert, whereas the Gazans dug down deep into the some of darkest depths of human evil. Each moved forward according to their proclivities and faiths with equal fervor.

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Harvard Still Pro-Hamas

Harvard Still Pro-Hamas
Harvard Still Pro-Hamas

Harvard was proven to be- and still proves to be – pro-Hamas, supporters of terrorism, and apologists for literally genocidal antisemitism. First they allowed a large number of their students to openly support and endorse Hamas’ attack upon the Jewish people of Israel, blaming those Jews for anything and everything that happened to them and their people. Now, having to face the consequences for lending aid to one of the world’s worst terrorist groups, they’ve chosen to “step up” and lend support to those students who are now facing the consequences of supporting terrorism.

Harvard is now, under the direction of its Dean of Students, Thomas Dunne, forming a special task force to aid their overly openly anti-Semite students deal with outcome of their strident support for Hamas’ attack upon the civilian Jewish population of Israel.

We are truly grateful for all the tremendous work that students have put forth in supporting each other through this most difficult time, and we appreciate the collaborative spirit in which students, faculty, and staff have come together to repel this repugnant assault on our community.

— Dean – or is it Unterkanzler – Dunne

Dunne will lead the task force, alongside Harvard University Information Technology, the Harvard University Police Department, Counseling and Mental Health Service, the Office of General Counsel, the Mignone Center for Career Success, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships, and the Office of Undergraduate Education. This support system for these terrorist supporters will operate until Nov 3rd, then reassess its applicability and mission.

So, despite their “virtual signalling” of verbally distancing the college from their anti-Semites, Harvard is still going to great lengths to support them through actual actions and wealth. Harvard, like all the other anti-Semites in the world, is acting as if these terrorist supports are the victims of anything other than their own actions, loyalties, and evil.

Do not believe Harvard’s Taqiyya. Harvard is still pro-Hamas.

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This Is Israel

This Is Israel
This Is Israel – Not The Apartheid Myth Of The Anti-Semites

This is Israel, the real Israel, not the apartheid myth promulgated by the worlds anti-Semites. This is two Israeli women, one Jewish and one Muslim – each praying in the respective ways that the bus they’ll soon board won’t be attacked by Palestinian terrorists.

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