Archive for the 'Coffee & Tea' Category

American Morning Routine

Posted in Coffee & Tea, Humor, Society on June 4th, 2024
Perfect American Morning Routine
Perfect American Morning Routine

Cultivating a good morning routine is essential. In these times, this seems to be the best morning routine to adhere to. It’s good for you. It’s good for your family. It’s good for our nation. And, it’s good for the world.

I’ve Seen Things

Posted in Coffee & Tea, Humor on May 6th, 2024
I've Seen Things
I’ve Seen Things

My Daily To-Do List

Posted in Coffee & Tea, Food & Drink, Humor on March 24th, 2024
My Daily To-Do List
My Daily To-Do List

The short form of my daily to-do list. 😉 Yes, there’s normally other things on it – not be a Democrat, I do have work to do. So, it far more often than not has something else as 3 with ‘Repeat Steps 1 and 2’ between each of those additional tasks.

Presenting Coffee

Posted in Coffee & Tea on November 13th, 2023
Presenting Coffee
Presenting Coffee

This is a good start to any day, but especially Monday. I’ve got to admit though that there’s some days I’d prefer to start with the coffee. And no, as I’ve painfully discovered, you should combine to things. Down that path lies painful burns and a loss of focus. (⊙_⊙;)

Post Halloween Morning

Posted in Coffee & Tea, Humor on November 1st, 2023

Post Halloween Morning Is Often Interesting
(Click to Enlarge)

Yeah, for those without a full-time sexual partner or partners – and a few of us with those – the morning after Halloween can be interesting… dare I say spooky scary? You just never really know who you’ll be having coffee with. 😉