The Curse Of Jazz
Posted in Humor, Music on January 29th, 2023
It’s a bit ironic that Tlaib and Omar, both with deep ties to foreign groups and Muslim Organizations have issues with Jews being allowed to serve in Congress, claiming that they have “Double Loyalty” – .presumably to both the US and Israel. Well, it would be ironic if they weren’t just jabbering genocidal, antisemitism – genocidal antisemitism which is major part of the core orthodoxy of Islam and Islamic law.
The only problem with this political cartoon is that it, in my opinion, implies that Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar also have “double loyalty.” This seems far from factual to me since I firmly and sincerely disbelieve that either of these two bints have any loyalty to America at all. And how could they be loyal in the first place when by blood, by birth, and by creed they were created and raised to America’s enemies? That they our nation’s, our people’s, and our allies enemies was a foregone conclusion.
Notify Imperial Command. Our scout troopers have finally found the rebel bass.
It’s a sad fact – but, one not without some humor – that attracting mates, dating them, and proposing to them look a wee bit different under Bidenomics and the Democrat-engineered collapse of the American economy.
This is the best and most evidence-based theory for what America is undergoing at this time. The Democrats and their Lamestream Media spent 5+ years trying to, first prevent and then remove, President Trump. This culminated in two reprehensible things: the strong likelihood that they rigged the 2020 Presidential Election, and the proven fact that they covered up the fact that classified documents were found to be improperly in Biden’s possession before the election.
So, my Fellow Americans, please stand by and stand ready to do what is needed to both correct this coup and to restore America to a greater and purer place. Jus ad bellum is, after all, the law under both Heaven and Earth.