Archive for the 'Animals' Category

Late Cretaceous Horrors

Posted in Animals, Humor on May 7th, 2024
Late Cretaceous Horrors - Velociraptor Branta
Late Cretaceous Horrors – Velociraptor Branta

Science, specifically paleontology and related disciplines, now tells us that many dinosaurs were feathered. So, that being the case, I present you the true horror of the Late Cretaceous Period: the Velociraptor Branta (Goose Raptor).

Pothole Season

Posted in Animals, Humor, Society on March 3rd, 2024
Pothole Season
It’s Pothole Season

Folks, it’s pothole season again. Check the state of your fishing licenses – cuz the State will have it’s due, right or not – and what this years regulations and catch limits are. 😉

Florida Pothole Risks

And, a friendly reminder to my brethren and sistren still in Florida – do remember to toss a mumbled chicken leg or a marshmallow in that pothole first to make sure someone’s not already using it. 😉

An Unfought War Is Lost

Posted in Animals, Humor on February 18th, 2024
An Unfought War Is Lost
An Unfought War Is Lost

That’s the truth! An unfought war is lost because small problems so often become giant threats. 😉

My Spirit Animal Doesn't…

Posted in Animals, Humor on November 28th, 2023
My Spirit Animal Doesn't...
My Spirit Animal Doesn’t…

My spirit animal doesn’t exist! Oh wait! Maybe I was wrong about that. 😆 It’s looks like there’s a spirit animal for everyone, even bloody-handed, old grognards like me. 😉

How Long In Costume?

Posted in Animals, Food & Drink, Humor on November 3rd, 2023
How Long
How Long?

Hehe… How long in costume? As long as it takes and at least until November 24th if you’re smart. 😆