Archive for May, 2024

Biden’s Brown Wave

Posted in Politics on May 30th, 2024
Biden's Brown Wave
Biden’s Brown Wave

While it’s patently obvious that Creepy Uncle Joe is petty enough to flood our nation with the excrement of various shitholes across the world, I sincerely doubt that he’s coherent enough anymore to actually have a motive for his actions. The various creatures behind the scenes which are actually running the Executive, however, know what they’re doing.

It’s About Votes In 2024

Biden’s handlers know that doing anything less than encouraging a wholesale invasion of foreign detritus will alienate Liberal and Progressive voters… and a significant swath of the Latino voters, a demographic which has always been a “swing” one and who has been slowly but steadily shifting towards Republican for the last 20 years or so.

Also, the open borders strategy allows the Dems and their media to paint Americans as being horribly racist and, in cases like that in Texas, dangerously insurrectionist

It’s Part Of The Democrats’ Long Game

A brown wave out of the shitholes of the world and into our nation serves two key stratagems that are part of the Dems’ long game to fundamentally remake America into something unrecognizable. One and more immediately (2030 AD), all these invaders can be on the next US Census – hence, why Biden and Co. ship a lot of them to Blue States – and will help defray the population loss due to emigration these states are experiencing and keep them from losing more seats in the House of Representatives. And two, as the Dems have been pushing for a “pathway to citizenship” for these sorts, they’re hoping to flood our nation’s future with non-White Democrat voters.

Remember, ever since Lyndon B. Johnson the Democrats have equated non-White voters with Democrat voters. So, by both shoring up the growing loss of power in Blue States as American flee them and “ensuring” that the replacements our non-White, the Dems believe that their long game will either be victorious or maintain the status quo.

It’s An Evolution Of The Cloward–Piven Strategy

All the evidence points to the fact that Biden’s handlers’ the other actual controllers of the Democrat party have every intention of using the Brown Wave in an evolved, mutated, and suborned form of the Cloward-Piven Strategy. What they’re doing and seem to plan to do is essentially filtering Cloward-Piven through Rahm Emanuel’s rule for major crises: never let them go to waste.

It’s as simple as it is Machiavellian, evil, and anti-American. And, as such, it’s not a poor gambit to play to place Dems into power for the remaining at that point days of America.

The strategy is to overload the various support, safety net, and law enforcement systems in the states in order to force them to seek federal dollars to make ends meet. That, in turn, means two things: one, they’re Representatives and Senators will be forced to put forth and/or vote for any and all relief bills no matter what else is in those bills; and two, they will accept any strings attached to the funding, e.g., how it’s spent and/or upon what and who exactly.

This centralizes functional power at the federal level, eroding the power and semblance of independence under the 10th Amendment of the states. It also put recipient – mostly Blue – states at existential odds with the rest of the country, further allowing the Dems and their media to paint Americans as callous, hateful, and racist.

From The City To The Plaza

Posted in Politics, Society on May 28th, 2024
From The City To The Plaza
From The City To The Plaza

At a bare, barren minimum, every single foreigner within our borders who actively supports Hamas should be rounded up and deported. And yes, if we could arrange it, they should be deported to Gaza so that they can die there. As for any titular US citizens who are doing the same, they should be arrested under Title 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason, because they have and are most certainly meet the legal standard of “adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States.”

And yes, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Democrats, I absolutely and wholeheartedly believe that the DOJ should perfectly make it clear when they do so that they’re seeking the death penalty for these vermin’s crimes.

Oh! And no, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Democrats, this would not in any way, shape, or fashion violate these filth’s 1st Amendment right right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Even if one ignores in the vermin’s favor the legal definition of peaceably, the 1st Amendment is not 100% absolute. A perfect and very pointed example being the German American Bund in the 1930s and 1940s. At first, when the US was not a declared enemy of the Third Reich, the Bund was allowed and even protected from reprisals by American citizens. However, at the end of 1941 when America official joined World War II, the government utterly shut them down, arrested their leaders, and even dissolved the US citizenship of their primary leader, Fritz Kuhn and deported him to Germany.

So please, from the city to the plaza, deport these filth to Gaza or consign their remains to landfills.

A Good Day To Grill

Posted in Society on May 27th, 2024

Today Is Good Day To Grill

Today is a good day to grill. Well, for a lot of you it is. For me, not at all due to thunderstorms. After all, it’s Memorial Day, so grilling and cookouts are rather de rigueur in America.

The Reason

Posted in Society on May 26th, 2024
The Reason For This Three-Day Weekend
The Reason For This Three-Day Weekend

Yeah. Just in case any of you forgot the reason for this three-day weekend. And no; please don’t wish a vet a happy Memorial Day. 🙄 Just try to give a passing thought to the fact that Memorial Day is the most expensive holiday in America that none of us had to directly pay for.

But, in my opinion, keep it to a passing thought if you’re a pure civilian. Leave the rest to those of us in service now, us veterans, and the Dependents. Just have fun. It’s already been payed for.

Disney’s Indy Moments

Posted in Movies, Society on May 25th, 2024
Disney's Indy Moments
Disney’s Indy Moments

Sadly, the above image pretty much sums up Disney’s Indy moments – along with egregious and deliberately anti-White racial recasting – that they’ve become known for in recent years. Despite failure and failure and an astronomical amount of lost dollars, they’ve consistently chosen #Woke over their audience – or, who used to be their audience.