Archive for the 'Religion' Category

Wrong Rally, Kamala

Posted in 2024 Elections, Humor, Politics, Religion on October 27th, 2024
Wrong Rally, Kamala
Wrong Rally, Kamala

There will come a day when Kamala can’t get out of going down by going down. 👿 The sooner it’s sent to judgment, the better I say.

Easter Is Here Again

Posted in Religion, Society on March 31st, 2024

Easter Is Here Again

Well, for the majority of people, it’s Easter again. So, here’s a friendly PSA: it’s a holiday based upon renewal and growth – Your God literally came back from the dead after fucking around with Hell in a Gen X worthy fashion – and, as such, the best and most faithful thing you can do this Easter is hunt some eggs.

NOTE: Ostara was back on the 19th and Mabon was the 22nd, so I would be ahead of you already if I was willing to father more children. And, as a follow-on note, I father children; I don’t just sire them… except in the rare-ish cases of being contracted to do so.

Man Needs Ordo Hereticus

Posted in Politics, Religion, Society on December 4th, 2023
Man Needs The Ordo Hereticus
Man Needs The Ordo Hereticus

Oh yes! The Sons and Daughters of Man, if they and their children are ever to know peace, need the Ordo Hereticus. Only by firm action and resolute faith will Mankind survive this age of depravity and madness.

A Dessert To Fear

Posted in Food & Drink, Humor, Religion on November 26th, 2023
Angelfood Cake - A Dessert To Fear
Angelfood Cake – A Dessert To Fear

The cake is not a lie! The cake is the Truth, the Light, and the Way. Be afraid, Mortal. Be afraid.

Dems' Halloween Horror

Posted in Humor, Politics, Religion, Society on October 20th, 2023
Dems' Halloween Horror
Dems’ Halloween Horror

Hilarious, but the Dems would actually be far, far, far more horrified to find Christian messaging, much less a reference to an ontological debate, in their children’s trick-or-treat haul than finding mind altering or psychotropic drugs, actual toxins, or razor blades or needles in them. In point of fact, they’d declaim the former as a hate crime… and their government would back that up as would their media.