Archive for the 'Movies' Category

Disney’s Indy Moments

Posted in Movies, Society on May 25th, 2024
Disney's Indy Moments
Disney’s Indy Moments

Sadly, the above image pretty much sums up Disney’s Indy moments – along with egregious and deliberately anti-White racial recasting – that they’ve become known for in recent years. Despite failure and failure and an astronomical amount of lost dollars, they’ve consistently chosen #Woke over their audience – or, who used to be their audience.

Disney's Remaking Star Wars

Posted in Humor, Movies, Society on February 26th, 2024
Disney's Remaking Star Wars
Disney’s Remaking Star Wars

It’s seems that Disney’s remaking the Original Star Wars trilogy (episodes 4-6). From the look of early, internal promo shots, they’re staying true to form. 😛

United Federation Of Horror

Posted in Humor, Movies on November 1st, 2023
United Federation Of Horror
United Federation Of Horror

😆 ROFLMAO 😆 The United Federation Of Horror indeed! Of course, there’s an added level of horror for us grognard types: few younger than 50 years-old know that the character, Michael Myers in the venerable Halloween franchise wore a Captain Kirk mask.

Disney's Lot Lizards

Posted in Art, Movies, Society, Technology on August 16th, 2023
Disney's Lot Lizards - Fake But Viral Because It's So Plausible
Disney’s Lot Lizards

Disney’s and Pixar’s Lot Lizards is an AI-generated fake, nothing but a bit of humor. It, however, has gone viral for a sick and sad reason. It’s all too plausible in most people’s minds that Disney would make a cartoon featuring reptilian truck stop prostitutes – probably with one of the ensemble being a rent boy and another a trap.

Adepta Princeps

Posted in Art, Movies, Society on August 12th, 2023

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Adepta Princeps
(Click Any Image to Enlarge)

I periodically post altered or altered context and/or genre Disney Princesses. This small set might be the most heretical to-date. Adeptus Princeps, or Disney Princesses as Warhammer 40K Space Marines might be pushing it a bit, but I love it – perhaps more than the Inquisition’s Ordo Hereticus might allow. 😉