Over the limited span of President Obama’s political career he has often spoken of bipartisanship. Yet, time and time again in rapid succession, American have seen the fruits of what President Obama defines as bipartisanship.
Now President Obama will receive a small taste of true bipartisanship, with both Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) allied together and arrayed against the White House.
Over three-quarters of the US House of Representatives have signed a letter expressing dismay over President Obama’s ongoing hateful treatment of of America’s longtime and only true ally in the Middle-East, Israel. 327 Congressman put their names to the letter sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, tacitly rebuking President Obama and his Executive administration for their continued mistreatment of Israel.
The letter only circulated for three (3) days before getting the 327 signatures.
Sadly though, I doubt that President Obama will heed their complaints and advice. Even setting aside his overweening arrogance and narcissism, he’s for too steeped in antisemitism to be anything other than an enemy to Israel and the Jewish people.
He was sired by African Muslim, adopted by an Indonesian Muslim, spent much of his formative years in a Muslim country, and later spent 20+ years soaking in antisemitism, along with other antisocial and anti-American psychopathologies, at the hateful knee of “Rev.” Jeremiah Wright. It would be foolish and irresponsible for anyone to expect President Obama to be anything other than an anti-Semite; you can’t spend that long being indoctrinated without some of it rubbing off on you.
Well, on the somewhat slightly brighter side, at least the US House of Representatives found something that they could largely agree with each other about. It’s sad though that President Obama can only seem to bring people together in opposition to himself and his agenda.
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