Archive for the 'Humor' Category

Fish Traps!

Posted in Humor, Society on April 26th, 2024
It's a Trap
Fish Traps! It’s A Trap!

Whenever you encounter what seems to be a woman who loves fishing, channel you’re inner Admiral Akbar, because it’s a trap! That’s not a worm in “her” shorts. 😆

Yes, There Are Women Who Love Fishing

I’m kidding! Kidding, kidding, kidding! For good or ill, there are plenty of women who love fishing. Maybe not as much as some of us guys do, but they do love it. So, don’t be actually concerned that the one you see is a tranny. The odds of that are very, very low.

In point of fact, most transgurls go through an extended period during which they act hyper-feminine, normally adhering to the stereotypes of “proper” “girly” behavior, often obsessively so. As such, it’s extremely unlikely to encounter one fishing. You’re safe. Enjoy.

How To Relax

Posted in Humor on April 24th, 2024
How To Relax
Learning How To Relax Is Easy

Many people – far too many people – find it very hard to relax. However, learning to relax isn’t complicated or that hard. The most important part is to accept the Void. 😉

Trumps vs. Bidens

Posted in Humor, Politics on April 24th, 2024
Trumps vs. Bidens
Trumps vs. Bidens – Blood Will Tell

It’s an old, largely deprecated due to Leftist emotion, axiom that blood will tell and that the apple rarely falls far from the tree. The Trumps and Biden are strong evidence of the truth of this though. To a large extent the Trump family halted their international business endeavors when President Trump took office, but the Biden family started engaging in them when Creepy Uncle Joe became geopolitically useful.

Climate Change’s Spokestroll

Posted in Humor, Politics, Society on April 23rd, 2024
Climate Change's Spokestroll In A Nutshell
Climate Change’s Spokestroll In A Nutshell

Greta Thunberg, the severely mentally ill spokestroll for the world’s Global Warmists, is the perfect face for the hypocrisy and selective actions of the Warmists as a whole. Only certain countries are faced with their outrage and have to deal with Leftist politicians pandering to them. Other, somehow always non-White, countries can, do, and will act and “pollute” as the please with no reasonable fear of backlash.

Then, the entirety of the AGW alarmism and activism has almost always been more about wealth redistribution and equity than it’s been about Climate Change. And it’s been far more about padding the pockets of a small number of businessmen and politicians than that.

The Right Tools

Posted in Humor, Politics, Society on April 21st, 2024
The Right Tools For The Jobs At Hand
The Right Tools For The Jobs At Hand

It’s always important to get the right tools for the jobs at hand. And, that’s exactly what firearms are, even the “controversial” AR-15. They’re tools. Yes, they’re weapons; but weapons are just tools. They’re all just force multipliers for human intent, exactly like all the other tools shown above.

And do always remember this when anyone or any group wants to prohibit or restrict what tools you’re allowed to own and/or use. They’re doing that to prevent you from doing the job set before you.