Archive for August, 2011

Enhanced Reality?

Posted in Humor, Politics on August 29th, 2011

It’s quite obvious that Liberals don’t perceive reality in the same way as Americans do. They’re eager belief in their rulers’ race-baiting propaganda about the patriots of the TEA Party is sufficient evidence of that particular psychopathology.

Sadly, there’s strong evidence to support the hypothesis that the Liberals’ derangement has an organic component, though it’s unknown as to whether the malformation is genetic, congenital, or pathological in origin.

Fantasy . Reality - Leftists' View Of The Tea Party
The TEA Party – Leftist Perception v. Reality

Really – it’s like the Liberals and Progressives are experiencing some sort of “enhanced reality,” like some perverted and dangerous version of some sort of of next generation video game such as are becoming popular on the iPhone and Android platforms. πŸ˜‰

Saudi Bridal Lingerie

Posted in Humor, Religion, Society on August 28th, 2011

The simple fact is that Muslims get married and a certain number of them, those who don’t to closely follow the example set by Muhammad, even wait until their females have reached puberty before buying them from their fathers and taking them to wife.

This perforce means that Muslim couples have wedding nights and that the brides – at least those of an to understand such things – will likely want some sort of special bridal lingerie, much in the same way as brides in the Civilized World do.

That in turn causes a problem in places, such as Saudi Arabia, where the Islamists follow very strict forms of Shar’ia that forbid Muslim females from baring their faces in front of even their husbands.

Hijabi Bridal Lingerie
Shari’a Compliant Even According To Wahhab

Fortunately I suppose, the Arabs are a race of merchants and have bred themselves to possess the cunning merchants needs. Certain accommodations of style were made and, so far, few have complained overly much. πŸ˜‰

NOTE: It’s also apparent that there’s more worth tapping in the MENA region than merely oil. πŸ˜›

Observational Skills

Posted in Humor, Society on August 28th, 2011

One thing that I’ve noticed is that people mono-focus on something and utterly fail to observe anything else in the area.

Keep Your Eye On The Prize
But Stay Aware Of Your Surroundings.

(Click to Enlarge)

This lack of basic observational skills can, upon occasion, be hilarious. πŸ˜†

Sexual Display

Posted in Humor, Society on August 27th, 2011

Being a sexual object and having evolved to prominently display one’s salient assets carries with it a modicum of difficulty. Throughout most of the animal kingdom it’s the males of the species that suffer through this.

funny pictures - My eyes are down here, lady.  Stop staring at my rack.
Stop Staring At My Rack!

Among humans, however, it is the female that makes the more overt sexual displays when seeking a mate and/or sexual partner.

Ladies, If you want “it” and got it, flaunt it

From a species survival point of view it’s probably best that human males don’t need to provide such extreme sexual displays. The Irish Elk (Megaloceros giganteus) went extinct at least partially because the bucks’ racks evolved to be unsustainably large and cumbersome.

It seems that in the Irish Elk’s case size did matter and the normal male tendency to do whatever it takes to get laid without considering the ramifications led to the specie’s demise. I’m guessing that men would be no different… 😯

Obama’s Irene PSA

Posted in Humor, Politics on August 26th, 2011

With Hurricane Irene getting ready to pulverize America’s East Coast it behooves the POTUS to provide calm and assurance to the threatened population. President Obama, never being one to all his teleprompter to shirk such duties – unless their might be a Q & A session involved – has dutifully and thoughtfully provided PSA via Twitter:

Obama: Don't Worry, I'm Safe and Sound From Hurricane Irene
Obama: Don’t Worry; I’m Safe and Sound. You Suckahs OTOH…

President Obama wants to assure his constituents that he’ll be safe from the storm. He and the First Family are currently en route inland where there are many golf courses and recreational shopping opportunities that they have not samples as of yet.

And don’t worry about the damages. The White House has committed to providing aid through FEMA – After Robert Gibbs, Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano make sure that none of the federal aid goes to the wrong sorts of people or voting districts.

Furthermore, in order to ensure “justice” and an “equitable” distribution of largess, any needed relief efforts will be coordinated through a special task force led by Al Sharpton, Cynthia McKinney, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

So don’t worry! πŸ˜†