Godless Housemate
Is your housemate and Atheist? Is he or she one the Godless? Refer to the chart below for some common indicators:
The are a couple of cautionary points to remember though. Firstly, not all who look like this are Godless, just as not all the Blacks who emulate the ghetto thugs’ manner of dress and hygiene are actually thugs themselves. Secondly, while a certain level of reasonable caution is warranted due the inherent morality issues of Atheists, there is no reason to panic; most of the Godless are harmless to anyone but themselves. 😉
Tags: Atheism | Atheists | Cartoons | Ethics & Morality | Humor | Religion
July 23rd, 2010 at 1:25 pm
All Hail to the Mighty Flying Spaghetti Monster …
In Pasta We Trust!!!
July 23rd, 2010 at 1:32 pm
Flying Spaghetti Monster is a bit too reminiscent of Cthulhu for my tastes. I’m also worried about the growth of sectarian violence among His adherents – Alfredo vs. Bolognese vs. Putenscaa vs…. 😛
July 26th, 2010 at 11:25 am
Funny, but I can’t decide who it’s picking on. It seems so snarky that it blurs its message.