Archive for September, 2024

Where’s Kamala?

Posted in 2024 Elections, Humor, Politics on September 14th, 2024

So far in what passes for Kamala’s campaign it’s been like that. She’s spent the majority of it dodging the press. She’s made it clear that she’s going to do whatever it takes to not give interviews or hold press conferences, with a couple of carefully curated and prerecorded ones with allied media outlets being as close to an exception as it’s likely to get. It’s so overt and extreme that even staunchly Democrat outlets are complaining about it, albeit with very soft and almost apologetic voices.

And yes, her and her staff have shown that they’re more than willing to take extreme measures to make sure that the press keeps their distance from her. She even pulled outor was pulled out by her handlers – of giving the commencement address at the most Left-wing, Democrat college, UC Berkeley, giving the excuse that they were currently in a labor dispute with the local chapter of the AFSCME union, which had called for a speaker boycott.

Babylon Bee or not, the fact that Kamala’s only interview – and a carefully scripted and curated on at that – was held jointly with Tim Walz didn’t go over very well with some feminists and some Blacks, especially Black women. They were offended by the appearance of her needing to have a White man there to lean on if needed.

So yeah; where’s Kamala? The answer is wherever the press isn’t. And, as certain sorts in the Lamestream Media claim, that’s a good thing for her campaign. Read whatever you like into that statement.

Casual Friday the 13th

Posted in Humor, Movies, Society on September 13th, 2024
Casual Friday the 13th
Casual Friday the 13th

Times have certainly changed, especially in the realm of work. But hey! At least Jason isn’t trying to do the whole remote thing and do his job from home via Zoom or Teams. 😆

The New American Myth

Posted in Politics, Society on September 12th, 2024
The New American Myth
9/12 – The New American Myth

There’s no doubt that America, like all nations, cultures, and peoples, is a land partially built upon myths. Just listen to a Liberal rant when they hear about making America great again, or an American when Liberals try to rewrite – normally to a more Black and White – parts of history. In both cases, there will be an immediate acknowledgment that this is so. Simply put, America is Americana as much as anything else.

But now, 23 years – approximately an entire generation – since the Muslims enacted the greatest act of terrorism in modern history, we seem to have a new American myth, that of widespread unity in the aftermath of 9/11. And, that is what and all it is – a myth, a wondrous but false bit of exceptionalism to be added to Americana.

The truth is that by 9/12 various Democrats were already online, proudly proclaiming that the attack was America’s fault and we deserved it and worse. The truth is that by 9/12 the were many Muslims celebrating the attack, and others whose only concern over it was their fear of Americans’ response. The truth is that 9/12 literally was when Democrats brought the term “Islamophobia” to the forefront of sociopolitical discourse, and it was the inception of what has become #Wokeness.

No. Our nation coming together as one on 9/12 is just a new American myth. Many of us did, but far too many within our borders chose to side with the Muslim terrorists instead, and many more than that chose to politically profiteer off of it.

Hurry Up!

Posted in 2024 Elections, Politics on September 12th, 2024
Hurry Up! This IS The Emergency
Hurry Up! This IS The Emergency

It is actually that sort of emergency time in America right now. And, as such, we really need to restore President Trump to his rightful office if we’re to have any hope of America’s recovery. Simply put, all the hysterical, inflammatory, violence-calling things that the Democrats have called President Trump and the true-born and rightly-raised American people are true in a sense. They’re each and all displacements from the Democrats. They are the real threat to our democracy and our republic and have already done everything that they claim President Trump would do if elected again and more and worse.

The only point they’re completely wrong on is that 2024 could never be the last election in America. In a genuine sense, 2016 was the last one – though many, many Dems claim that one was stolen. 2020 certainly wasn’t and 2024 stands a good chance of being no better.

Note, however, that this is less about restoring President Trump to office and correcting for the Democrats’ previous evil and more about preventing them from succeeding in destroying the foundations of the American republic. President Trump, while one of our nation’s best Presidents for his time, is just one man with limited power and authority. What’s truly important is sending a strong message to the Dems and their ilk that their extra-legal, quasi-legal, and outright illegal methodologies for securing control of our government will not be tolerated and that reprisals will be enacted upon them and those that are associated with them by blood or affiliation.

Never Forgive

Posted in Politics, Society on September 11th, 2024
9/11 Attack - Never Forgive
Never Forgive

It is useless to say, “Never Forget.” Time passes, memories fade, and new generations are born without the true knowledge of what transpired. But, we who remember must never forgive while we still hold the memory of what the Muslims did on 9/11.

Never forgive; never show mercy; never fail to judge the actions of others in the light of what was done.