Our New Villain

Our New Villain – The Giggler

Yes, it’s true. America has a new and upcoming villain – The Giggler. Thankfully, we also have Donald Trump, the President that America both needs and deserves. Even more thankfully, we have approximately 80 million Americans under arms so as to deal with The Giggler’s cackle if needs be and the Democrats will out.

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Husband, Father, Totoro

Husband, Father, Totoro
Husband, Father, Totoro

Gentlemen, once your a husband and a father, expect to occasionally be Totoro as well. It’s just the way life is and the way it’s supposed to be.

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With Age Comes Maturity

With Age Comes Maturity
With Age Comes Maturity

With age comes maturity and wisdom – the maturity and wisdom to know that far too many people are fucking idiots and the first, best course of action to take is to sit back, have a beer, and ignore them and their antics. Honestly, the vast majority of them aren’t worth our attention, much less an actual response of any kind from us.

The real problem these days is that those idiots won’t leave us alone and have decided that wanting to just sit back with a beer is somehow evil. Hence, they get up in our faces and force us to sit up, put down our beers, and put them down like any other rabid animal.

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That There Is A Problem

That There Is A Problem
That There Is A Problem

That there is a problem. And, I do mean Kamala Harris. It’s a big problem that, during the passing few times the Dems’ unelected candidate actually speaks to the public or the media, all that’s spewed out of her mouth so far are the-normal Dem threats to disarm Americans and some idiotic, Stalinesque financial measures. The latter is a bit new and bit more overtly extreme and tyrannical than is the norm, but not so much as to be noteworthy during a Dem’s campaign for office.

Now, I understand that speaking is not the way Kamala has normally used her mouth to get ahead, but it’s a problem when a Presidential candidate barely speaks and, when it does, it doesn’t actually say anything. Indeed, it’s so much of a problem that even staunchly leftist media outlets – ones which are the Dems’ own propaganda corpse – have brought it up.

Yeah, Forward to where? Hope and Joy for what? That there is a problem.

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It’s Her Moment

It's Her Moment
It’s Her Moment

Admittedly, the whole being handed the Dem nomination after Biden was politically euthanized is a change of pace and circumstance for Kamala. Still though, this is her moment? She’s been in office for over 3 years and has achieved exactly nothing of note or worth. And, judging from her word salad speeches, that wouldn’t change that much if she manages to get installed as POTUS – a possible future that is far more likely than anyone who loves America would want.

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