Of Evil And Stupid

Of Evil And Stupid
Sometimes Evil Is Disguised As Stupid

That’s quite true. But, sometimes the stupidity is advanced enough that it is indistinguishable from evil. 🙄

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What Did We Fight For?

What Did We Fight For?
What Did We Fight For?

While anvilicious, crudely and needlessly offensively worded, and a wee bit hysterical in presentation, this has some real truth to it. It truly does seem as if generation after generation of American men have fought, bled, and died for our People only to be forced to watch them degenerate and for many of them to actively turn against every value and bit of culture that was and still is America.

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Bastiat’s Conundrum

Claude-Frédéric Bastiat, a 19th Century economist and political philosopher of the French Liberal Schoolthink proto-libertarian – was more than a little concerned about society turning its back to what is good and embracing what it is evil.

When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns its back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe.

— Frédéric Bastiat
Economic Harmonies (1850 AD)

Not, of course that this is new thought or warning. It goes back to at least Biblical times.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20, The Bible (KJV)

But, inherent to these very thoughts and proscriptions in the conundrum. Who are the misguided of the public? Who, indeed, have chosen to call evil good, and good evil? When a society – truly, at this point more of a population than a society – cannot even agree upon what words mean, much less what are examples thereof, it becomes almost moot to try to decide this. And yet, from the standpoint of both utility and primal, existential need, decide this America must do.

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Endorsed By Hamas

Though far-flung, hyperbolic in the extreme, and inaccurate in the specific, these guys still got it right in the larger context.

With a POTUS like him, who needs Jihadists?
Obama – Endorsed By Hamas

The only reason Hamas doesn’t endorse Obama is that they’re too stupid to realize that the boy’s the best, staunchest, and most powerful ally in their war to eradicate the Jews and Christians in Israel.

This, of course, begs two questions:

  1. How much are the words and deeds – or lack thereof – of a POTUS worth in a purely material sense?
  2. If that worth is set as greater than $0.00, why hasn’t the appropriate provisions of the NDAA been applied to Obama?

Face it; with a POTUS like Obama, who needs Jihadis? The boy is the epitome of “home grown” Muslim terrorism. Hellfire! The Obama Regime is a State Sponsor of Terrorism.

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It’s Your Soul

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil
It’s Your Soul On The Line November 4th

My fellow Americans, the 2014 midterm elections are upon us. I urge you to vote – to vote against the evil that is the modern iteration of Liberalism, even if you can’t vote for the candidate who’s in the position to be arrayed against it. I urge this not only for the sake of our country and culture but for the sake of your very souls.

You will die and you will go before the God(s) for the judgement of your life. In no way, shape, or form do I believe for even an instant that your and my inactions will be weighed against us any less than our actions.

It’s your soul though. Do what you want with it.

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