You Must Hire Ghetto Thugs

You Must Hire Ghetto Thugs
You Must Hire Ghetto Thugs

Biden and Co., if one can judge by their federal lawsuit against the multi-state convenience store chain, Sheetz, is declaring by fiat that you must hire ghetto thugs. They’re even attempting, again via extra-judicial fiat, to declare not hiring ghetto thugs to be a federal crime. They’re attacking Sheetz for not hiring people who failed a criminal background check… because the majority of criminals are Black – 7x more than Whites and 3x more than Hispanics. Hence, not hiring these criminals is racist according to Biden and Co..

Essentially, they’re doubling down on the Democrats’ longstanding, racist policy that criminality is a “protected class” since so many criminals are Black. They declaim that the Disparate Impact of taking action to protect people from proven threats is inherently racist due to the race of so many criminals.

So, you must specifically hire ghetto thugs or Biden and Co. will come for you with the full force of federal law and law enforcement.

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Improved ESG Score?

Improved ESG Score?
Improved ESG Score?

Well, does that mean that White Supremacy, that unwieldy shibboleth of our domestic enemies, is finally getting a better ESG score? Has the oikophobic Left finally achieved DEI in White Supremacy? 👿

The answer, of course, is no. This is nothing new at all. The Left and their minority sharecroppers have always proclaimed the existence and problem on non-White White Supremacists. Insofar as their concerned any non-White who is, in our domestic enemies’ opinions, insufficiently exilic from- and hateful towards Whites and our nation is a White Supremacist. The Blacks have their “Oreos” and “Uncle Toms.” The Hispanics inside our borders have their “Tío Tomáses” or “Tío Tacos.” Even the Amerindians have their “Apples.” They and their liberal enablers all have their epithets for those of their own who they perceive as being race traitors.

So, no improved ESG score for White Supremacy. The Democrats’ multi-billion dollar racism industry just won’t allow that to happen.

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Race-Baiting is, even at its best, annoying. But I’ve discovered something even more so in my opinion – Race-Clickbaiting. The particular case in point is the headline for an article from Everyday Chirp that showed up in my Microsoft Start page in Edge:

Earrings Ignite Racial Tensions: Woman Told Coworker She Can’t Get Earrings Like Her Because She’s White

Seems all-too-typical and definitely the sort of headline to grab one’s attention because White women are subject to attacks, primarily from non-White females over matters of hairstyle, clothing and accessories related “cultural appropriation.” As a White man who’s somewhat protective of our women – perhaps more so than they deserve these days – it sucked me right in.

But it was just race-clickbaiting. The non-White woman (Amerindian) didn’t tell her White coworker that she couldn’t get earrings like that because she was White. She just tried to put the woman off because the Amerindian tribeswomen who made them don’t sell their work outside the tribe!

Yeah, a whole different thing.

Also, especially in these times, it’s a dangerous practice. I went a read the article; many wouldn’t have done so. But that headline would be in the back of their minds – one more log on the fire, one more nail in the non-Whites’ coffin.

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Gregorian Rants

Gregorian Rants
Gregorian Rants

#Woke cultist, like all religionists, have their chants. In the case of the adherents of Woke Theology it’s the droning chant of how any negative result – or simply any less positive result in relation to the norm – that non-White, especially the Blacks, experience is wholly and solely the fault of “White Supremacy” and “Systemic Racism.” Gregorian rants indeed.

It doesn’t matter what the topic is. The Wokeists will claim stridently and ,more and more often, violently that the cause of the non-Whites’ issues is White Supremacist Systemic Racism. The facts don’t matter. That Whites in similar circumstances deal with the same issues doesn’t matter. It’s all our fault and it’s all our racism causing whatever it is. That is the core of their doctrine and dogma and few, if any of them, are amenable to ecclesiastic debate.

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What #Wokeness Demands

Wokeness Demands That Whiteness Is A Crime To Be Punished
Wokeness Demands White Enslavement
What #Wokeness Demands

Make no mistake! This is not hyperbole. What #Wokeness demands is the absolute subjugation of the White race and the dissolution of American culture. And that is the moderate position. Their extremists would prefer to see us Whites “removed” from existence. And, they’ve already been fairly successful at pushing the first steps of this upon the White race in the West. Unless stopped, they will push things to this extent. It’s only a matter of time and our apathy or cowardice.

But let me be clear; this isn’t really a conspiracy. This is a multivalent, grassroots movement intent upon reaching an equality of results between Whites and non-Whites – especially the Blacks, who are the prime examples of failure in most previous attempts. It’s just, as each step fails to to provide the Woke with any success, they become more and more extreme and more convince that the problem is White Supremacy and Whiteness in and of itself. And that, if left unculled, can have only one final result. whether its proponents understand that or not.

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