What #Wokeness Demands

Wokeness Demands That Whiteness Is A Crime To Be Punished
Wokeness Demands White Enslavement
What #Wokeness Demands

Make no mistake! This is not hyperbole. What #Wokeness demands is the absolute subjugation of the White race and the dissolution of American culture. And that is the moderate position. Their extremists would prefer to see us Whites “removed” from existence. And, they’ve already been fairly successful at pushing the first steps of this upon the White race in the West. Unless stopped, they will push things to this extent. It’s only a matter of time and our apathy or cowardice.

But let me be clear; this isn’t really a conspiracy. This is a multivalent, grassroots movement intent upon reaching an equality of results between Whites and non-Whites – especially the Blacks, who are the prime examples of failure in most previous attempts. It’s just, as each step fails to to provide the Woke with any success, they become more and more extreme and more convince that the problem is White Supremacy and Whiteness in and of itself. And that, if left unculled, can have only one final result. whether its proponents understand that or not.

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So, The French Election

The French Election - Let Them Eat More Cake
Let Them Eat More Cake

I don’t have much to say about the recent French elections; it’s not my country and, hence, not my problem. What I can say about it pretty summed up by this image.

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E Pluribus Unum

E Pluribus UnumPeople need to remember that it is E Pluribus Unum (out of many, one), not Ex Omnibus Unum (out of all, one). There will always be some that do not become part of the one, mostly because they refuse to do so.

That’s the truth that the Liberals, Progressives, and the minorities they pander to refuse to accept. One has to become part of the one.

No, instead the Liberals, Progressives, and the minorities they pander would declaim this fact as racist, nationalist, xenophobic, and evil. This is, I think, largely because they don’t want there to be a “one” and certainly won’t tolerate it happening or anyone who wishes it to do so.

That’s the horrific thing. These oikophobic Leftists and their minority tenants may love to rant and whine about “inclusiveness” and “diversity” but they’ve willfully created an unholy synergy between these two concepts that is nothing but an attempt to dilute and dissolve America. They don’t want to make one out of many.

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Thus Did We Die

The flag flies at half staff over land in mourning for the passing of AmericaIt is a simple fact, proven time and time again by history, that most nations fall through the actions of others, not through their own, though it is also proven true that in many cases it is actions of their own that hastened or guaranteed their destruction by their foreign enemies. In all truth, it has always been an extreme rarity – and exceptional historical event – for any nation to truly fall and be destroyed by itself. In the normal course of events, the self-harm of a nation leads to its destruction but is not the actual, proximal cause of it.

And yet, we of the West are so very exceptional.

The nations and peoples of Western Civilization – in the modern era, the bastion of the Civilized World – are exceptional to the point of near uniqueness. We, lacking foreign enemies with both the will and the means to bring about of destruction and extermination, have chosen to breed, raise, and train our own destroyers.

So the final conclusion would surely be that whereas other civilizations have been brought down by attacks of barbarians from without, ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide, all at the public expense. Thus did Western Man decide to abolish himself, creating his own boredom out of his own affluence, his own vulnerability out of his own strength, his own impotence out of his own erotomania, himself blowing the trumpet that brought the walls of his own city tumbling down, and having convinced himself that he was too numerous, labored with pill and scalpel and syringe to make himself fewer. Until at last, having educated himself into imbecility, and polluted and drugged himself into stupefaction, he keeled over–a weary, battered old brontosaurus–and became extinct.

Malcolm Muggeridge

One need only open one’s eyes and look around in to see that Mr. Muggeridge was not wrong. No, Mr. Muggeridge’s prediction seems more rational than cynical these days, decades after he made it, as any with any level of objective awareness can see.

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Gun Free Zones

This is the historically proven end result of a disarmed population. Well, this and more rapid massive exterminations.

Gun Free Zone aka Concentration Camps
Gun Free Zones

Do not, however, make the mistake of merely thinking of this as a dire warning. It is also a valid proposition for a blueprint of a better, purer America. We should seriously consider rounding up our domestic enemies, the Liberal and Progressive gun-grabbers and putting them in camps where they can no longer pollute and harm our country.

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