Trump Divided America

Trump Divided America

Yes, it’s true President Trump divided America. That’s why, from even before he was elected in 2016, the Democrats have been persecuting him and seeking to utterly destroy him.

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Democrat Political Rallies

Democrat Political Rallies
Democrat Political Rallies

The above image pretty much sums up what goes on at democrat political rallies. Killing the unborn, importing hostile foreign invaders, and disarming the American people are three of the major planks in the Democrats’ platform. In point of fact, the oikophobic sheeple that vote for Dems are far more extreme and rabid about those three destructive points than most of the professional Democrats.

Actually, the only falsehood in the image is the number of sheeple shown. Most Democrat political rallies don’t generate much in the way of a crowd. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Spot The Difference

Spot The Difference
Spot The Difference

Spot the difference in the result of questioning the validity of an election? Yeah, it’s pretty damn easy to do so. The lone American gets a different, worse result for questioning election integrity. Of course, the simple truth is that, when an American is elected it despite Democrat malfeasance, and when a Democrat is elected it is because of it. There’s no need to question the result.

No; the only real question is what we, the People are going to do about it and about what they Democrats are planning for the upcoming election. After all, since the Dems have proven that they have one law for themselves and another for Americans, why should we allow them the luxury of protection under our laws?

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It’s The Same Things

It's The Same Things
It’s The Same Things

Every American of conscience should always remember that it is the same things that won’t call an unborn baby a baby that demand that we call Adm. Richard Levine a woman. Then, this is what happens when things’ only acceptable science is political science.

So yes, Ladies and Gentlemen of America, it’s the same things, the same problems, and the same threat to our nation’s future. And there’s a singular, effective, permanent solution for the question they represent. We only have to put aside our squeamishness and comfort in order to enact it.

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Trump Is 100% DEI

Trump Is 100% DEI
Trump Is 100% DEI – Deport Every Illegal

Democrats and other Left-Wing, domestic enemies of the American people can suck it. President Trump is 100% DIE. ๐Ÿ˜† That’s right! President Trump is and always has been committed to making our nation a Safe Space for Americans. And this is why so many of the rank and file sheeple on the Left hate President Trump with a black and bleeding passion.

Always remember that the Democrats and Democrat-Adjacent Wokesters know the harm that the illegals bring to America. It’s not that they don’t understand; it’s that they actively desire this harm to be inflicted upon Americans… as long as it’s not to them or theirs or in their backyards. As far as our domestic enemies are concerned, those assaults, rapes, murders, and other and sundry evils aren’t crimes, they’re simply erosions of White Privilege.

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