Trump Lights The Darkness

Trump Lights The Darkness
Trump Lights The Darkness

What our domestic enemies don’t understand – they won’t, by and large, let themselves do so – is that this is a yuuuge part of why we, the People endorse President Trump. He shines a stark and harsh light upon his and our enemies and lets us all watch as the roaches and other vermin scurry, scatter, and destroy themselves.

President Trump, like the American people, feels no need to silence our enemies. We encourage them to speak and put themselves on the spot. Then, we hold them accountable and bring them to a reckoning.

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Media Literacy Textbook

Media Literacy Textbook
Dems’ Media Literacy Textbook

It’s rather ironic that our domestic enemies, the bloc who vote for Democrats, so love to decry Americans as conspiracy theorizing extremists when we point out the bias of the media as Fake News, when they’ve been accusing any and all source of news that contradict their masters’ narratives as being by Russian bots or operatives.

What’s horrific instead of ironic is that some Democrat-controlled areas are instituting “media literacy” curricula to indoctrinate children to always believe the Lamestream Media and the Democrat party narrative and to reject any other, conflicting data as “misinformation.”

Of course, even this horror contains its own irony. While our domestic enemies call dissenters Russian bots or some such, they actually implement measures straight out of Lenin’s playbook. 🙄

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We The People

We The People Are Voting For President Trump
We The People Are Voting For President Trump

It’s that simple. We the people, the true-born and rightly-raised citizens of America, are voting for President Trump. They the Democrats, the avowed enemies of our nation, our culture, and our People, are not.

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White Dudes For Harris

White Dudes For Harris
White Dudes For Harris

That’s what the “White Dudes For Harris” are. They’re illegal combatants in service to the terrorist organization known as the Democrat Party. And they’re the expected result – along with the Dems’ lawfare myrmidons – of the Dems’ stridently and incessantly repeated mantra that President Trump and the American people, who support him are existential threats to democracy.

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Hurry Up!

Hurry Up! This IS The Emergency
Hurry Up! This IS The Emergency

It is actually that sort of emergency time in America right now. And, as such, we really need to restore President Trump to his rightful office if we’re to have any hope of America’s recovery. Simply put, all the hysterical, inflammatory, violence-calling things that the Democrats have called President Trump and the true-born and rightly-raised American people are true in a sense. They’re each and all displacements from the Democrats. They are the real threat to our democracy and our republic and have already done everything that they claim President Trump would do if elected again and more and worse.

The only point they’re completely wrong on is that 2024 could never be the last election in America. In a genuine sense, 2016 was the last one – though many, many Dems claim that one was stolen. 2020 certainly wasn’t and 2024 stands a good chance of being no better.

Note, however, that this is less about restoring President Trump to office and correcting for the Democrats’ previous evil and more about preventing them from succeeding in destroying the foundations of the American republic. President Trump, while one of our nation’s best Presidents for his time, is just one man with limited power and authority. What’s truly important is sending a strong message to the Dems and their ilk that their extra-legal, quasi-legal, and outright illegal methodologies for securing control of our government will not be tolerated and that reprisals will be enacted upon them and those that are associated with them by blood or affiliation.

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