These Unbearably Woke Days

In These Unbearably Woke Days
In These Unbearably Woke Days

In Coca-Cola’s defense, ads featuring him wouldn’t show up in AI-driven search results, so they had some legitimate reason to “cancel” him. 😉

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University Jobs Today

University Jobs Today
University Jobs Today

That aptly sums up university jobs today – even more so than it sums up general, white collar employment – being Jewish overrides any other “protected class” that an applicant has. And, they’re not going to hire a Jew unless they absolutely have to. Doing so would go against their purpose.

Oh, and don’t believe anything that comes out of these indoctrination camps about how they’re eliminating DEI hiring practices. That is just performative Taqiyya. All that’s happening is that the universities – much like other companies who claim that they’re abandoning DEI – are taking their antisemitism and general bigotry and oikophobia underground, so as to make it harder for Americans to seek redress through peaceful means.

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Sadly, This Has To Be Said

Sadly, This Has To Be Said
Sadly, This Has To Be Said

Sadly, in these degenerate times, this has to be said. I’m glad and rather shocked that Miss America 2024 is a woman and not a tranny. And, I’m even more shocked that she is an active-duty 2nd lieutenant in the US Air Force. I’m also slightly surprised – only slightly though – that she’s White, since minorities – especially the Blacks as always – have been significantly overrepresented among Miss America pageant winners in recent times.

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Trump Is 100% DEI

Trump Is 100% DEI
Trump Is 100% DEI – Deport Every Illegal

Democrats and other Left-Wing, domestic enemies of the American people can suck it. President Trump is 100% DIE. 😆 That’s right! President Trump is and always has been committed to making our nation a Safe Space for Americans. And this is why so many of the rank and file sheeple on the Left hate President Trump with a black and bleeding passion.

Always remember that the Democrats and Democrat-Adjacent Wokesters know the harm that the illegals bring to America. It’s not that they don’t understand; it’s that they actively desire this harm to be inflicted upon Americans… as long as it’s not to them or theirs or in their backyards. As far as our domestic enemies are concerned, those assaults, rapes, murders, and other and sundry evils aren’t crimes, they’re simply erosions of White Privilege.

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Modern Tolerance

Modern Tolerance
Modern Tolerance

Modern tolerance as violently preached by the Left, much like diversity and/or inclusion is only such if one considers the Orwellian language, Newspeak to be acceptable and proper. The word is a shibboleth for our domestic enemies, but it is very, very, very much “doubleplusungood.”

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