Modern Tolerance

Modern Tolerance
Modern Tolerance

Modern tolerance as violently preached by the Left, much like diversity and/or inclusion is only such if one considers the Orwellian language, Newspeak to be acceptable and proper. The word is a shibboleth for our domestic enemies, but it is very, very, very much “doubleplusungood.”

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The Left’s Contronym

The Left's Contronym: Tolerance
The Left’s Contronym: Tolerance

A contronym is a word that with two opposite meanings. It is also known as an autantonym. The Left’s most glaring contronym is “tolerance.” It’s also why the #WalkAway movement among Leftist, i.e., Likely Democrat voters, is a thing at all.

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A Grim, Repugnant Truth

A Grim, Repugnant Truth

The NRA’s latest ad, “The Violence Of Lies” is equally grim and repugnant but the state our nation is such that the truth is equally grim and repugnant. Hence, the ad is a needful thing despite it not being what anyone wants to hear, much less think about because it is speaking that grim, repugnant truth.

The Violence Of Lies

They use their media to assassinate real news. They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler. They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again. And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.

All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia. To smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding — until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.

And when that happens, they’ll use it as an excuse for their outrage. The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom, is to fight this violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth. I’m the National Rifle Association of America, and I’m freedom’s safest place.

All that is stated in “The Violence Of Lies” has happened, continues to happen, and will likely escalate to this very day. Actually, it’s already escalated since this video was filmed in April with a Liberals’ attempted mass assassination of Republican Congressmen.

The Responses Proof Their Truth

The Left’s responses to the ad are the most telling though. Those responses, especially from the rank and file who don’t have to worry much about what they say, prove the NRA’s point.

  • They described it as a call to violence to protect White supremacy.
  • They fixated on the speaker, Dana Loesch being a White woman
  • They likened it to both Nazi and ISIS propaganda
  • They described the NRA as both a hate group and as terrorists

And those were just the general tenor on the Liberals’ and Progressives’ direct responses about the NRA itself. Their more generalized responses against what they saw the ad as endorsing were far more telling. They described it as NRA legitimizing and promoting:

  • An all White America or, failing that, an America where only Whites have rights and power;
  • An America where only “extremist” evangelical Christians are legitimate;
  • An America where the poor, the less able, the disabled, the mentally ill, the “not ambitious enough,” are left to die;
  • An America in which women know their place and follow orders and take what they are given and act happy about it;

Yes, what make the responses to telling and so proving of the truth of the NRA’s ad is that they flat-out screamed that NRA’s target audience was steeped in racism, sexism, xenophobia, and homophobia. And they combined it with references to hate groups, terrorism, and Nazis.

Jus ad bellum

Despite the Left’s rhetoric to contrary, it’s hard to think of this as “sinister propaganda” when so much of what is yelled by swaths of Liberals and Progressives, and the Democrat politicians they vote for, consistently paint so many of us in America as horrifically evil monsters that must be defeated. This is especially true when they combine it with existential threats, e.g., “people will die,” and consistent repetition of how we’re fascists or Nazis.

After all, supposedly these Liberals and Progressives are good people fighting for what is right and for the sake of the “oppressed peoples” of America. All one has to do is think of the good people of Union in 1861 or the American people in WW2 to how that sort of thing can so easily go.

That, not this ad, is a call for violence and civil war. That is declaring that the Liberals and Progressives have Jus ad Bellum. Hence, it’s fair to say that this ad is more of a wake up call than propaganda meant to spur violence.

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Flight Is Perfectly Fine

Like all Americans, I’m more than a little disgusted by the current crop of special snowflakes’ cowardice and narrow-mindedness. They’re “need” for Safe Spaces turns my stomach and wearies my soul. Still, if they want to run and hide from anything and everything that offends them by disagreeing with- or punching holes in their carefully crafted psychological baby blankets, I’m OK with that. Flight is perfectly fine and, under the basic, natural right of free association, is something that they must be allowed to do.

Everybody run to their safe spaces
Everybody Run To Their Safe Space!

The issue is that flight is not what they seek. Instead, they strive to silence and destroy any and all who disagree with the Liberal or Progressive pablum that they’ve been spoonfed. No, these children with little hope of- and less desire for growing into men and women want to extend their Safe Spaces and their ideology to all that they encounter and are perfectly willing take any all steps – as long as they don’t have to risk their blood or their mommies’ and daddies (If they have them) treasure.

No, if these pathetic cowards would flee, I would support them wholeheartedly while still shaking my head at their sensitivity. Since, instead, they seek to drive others away, I have no choice but to advocate for- and aid as I can in their destruction.

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Tebow Vs. Jenner

A study in tolerance, hate, and disgustTebow Vs. Jenner – A Study In Tolerance

The disparate response by America’s domestic enemies, the Liberals and Progressives, to Time Tebow and Caitlyn nee Bruce Jenner says a lot about them and what they loves vs. what they hate, fear, and loath.

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