This Is A Woman

This Is A Woman
This Is A Woman

There are from a practical standpoint two genders, men and women, determined at conception. True, there are a tiny – lost in the statistical noise tiny – percentage of people who aren’t functionally either gender, physically present as female when they’re males, or have both sets of parts. From the normal person standpoint and likely experiences though, there are men, women, and people with mental illnesses.

And this is just going to get worse unless treated at the societal level. Rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) is a horribly real empirically as it is totally unsubstantiated scientifically.

Trannies’ Insane Hypocrisy

And, cue the Trannies’ and their enablers’ insane, hypocritical outrage. I’m sure that these sorts would go rabid over my calling transsexualism a mental illness. “They’re not sick, they’re women!” or some such is what they’d rant – and what they’ve ranted again, again, and again to-date. And yet, at the same exact time and often in the same rant, they will claim – with a few medical studies to back them up – that people who are Trans, especially children, will suicide if not given “gender affirming care.”

NOTE: While these studies do show an increase in suicidal ideation and attempts than the norm, the rates are listed as 43.3% vs. 35.2%, so notable but not an extreme increase in risk.

Hellfire and Damnation! These some sorts will even upon occasion and being sufficiently triggered by reality scream that “misgendering” trannies is violence, a federally prosecutable hate crime, all because it will supposedly cause trannies to suicide or otherwise sink into various depression-link behaviors.

But, of course, they’re not crazy; they’re women! Except when they’re crazy.

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These Unbearably Woke Days

In These Unbearably Woke Days
In These Unbearably Woke Days

In Coca-Cola’s defense, ads featuring him wouldn’t show up in AI-driven search results, so they had some legitimate reason to “cancel” him. 😉

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Sadly, This Has To Be Said

Sadly, This Has To Be Said
Sadly, This Has To Be Said

Sadly, in these degenerate times, this has to be said. I’m glad and rather shocked that Miss America 2024 is a woman and not a tranny. And, I’m even more shocked that she is an active-duty 2nd lieutenant in the US Air Force. I’m also slightly surprised – only slightly though – that she’s White, since minorities – especially the Blacks as always – have been significantly overrepresented among Miss America pageant winners in recent times.

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Woke Boomer Housing

Woke Boomer Housing Back When America Was Saner
Woke Boomer Housing Back When America Was Saner

Back in the day – and, by that I mean back when America was great or, at least, not stumbling and staggering completely off the rails – what are now described as “Woke” were kept where they couldn’t cause harm to themselves or others and where they could be treated. 😉

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Disney’s Indy Moments

Disney's Indy Moments
Disney’s Indy Moments

Sadly, the above image pretty much sums up Disney’s Indy moments – along with egregious and deliberately anti-White racial recasting – that they’ve become known for in recent years. Despite failure and failure and an astronomical amount of lost dollars, they’ve consistently chosen #Woke over their audience – or, who used to be their audience.

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