The Seven Dwarves

The Seven Dwarves
The Seven Dwarves Of Liberalism

Sort of looks like a new Disney remake. The Seven Dwarves Of Liberalism: Nasty, Angry, Vulgar, Offended, Victimized, Privileged, and Hypocritical. 👿

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Disney’s Indy Moments

Disney's Indy Moments
Disney’s Indy Moments

Sadly, the above image pretty much sums up Disney’s Indy moments – along with egregious and deliberately anti-White racial recasting – that they’ve become known for in recent years. Despite failure and failure and an astronomical amount of lost dollars, they’ve consistently chosen #Woke over their audience – or, who used to be their audience.

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Disney's Remaking Star Wars

Disney's Remaking Star Wars
Disney’s Remaking Star Wars

It’s seems that Disney’s remaking the Original Star Wars trilogy (episodes 4-6). From the look of early, internal promo shots, they’re staying true to form. 😛

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Disney's Redhead Day

Disney's Redhead Day
Disney’s Redhead Day Remake

Given Disney’s disdain for Whites and their slavish pandering to non-Whites, especially the Blacks, the above would be Disney’s iteration of Ireland’s Redhead Day Festival.

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Disney's Stolen Childhood

Disney's Stolen Childhood
Disney’s Stolen Childhood

Disney’s upcoming Greta Thunberg docudrama, Stolen Childhood, looks interesting. If nothing else, it’ll bolster Disney’s ECG score. 😉

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