Disney's Redhead Day

Disney's Redhead Day
Disney’s Redhead Day Remake

Given Disney’s disdain for Whites and their slavish pandering to non-Whites, especially the Blacks, the above would be Disney’s iteration of Ireland’s Redhead Day Festival.

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Crazy Hot Faces

Some Crazy Hot Faces

Just some crazy hot girls’ faces to spice up your day. And, yes, ginger is the best spice, though redheads – gingers for those on the wrong side of the Atlantic – are normally as crazy as they are hot, so take in moderation. 😉

But, to forestall some of you blowing a gasket or three, let me make it clear that I don’t think there’s really a genetic component to their crazy. I just think that societal beliefs and the resulting expectations of them and allowances made for them end up making them crazy things. 😛

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Autumnal Fire


Autumnal Fire Will Keep You Warm … Or Hot And Bothered
(Click to enlarge)

Autumn is upon us, and with it comes colder weather and, in many areas, a fair bit of uncomfortably cold rain. But be of stout heart and open mind. There are plenty of redheads out there and their fire will keep you warm … or hot and bothered by either their intrinsically erotic beauty or the madness that is seemingly endemic among them. 😉

‘Tis True! Gingers Heat The Blood

Yeah! There’s a reason why ginger is a spice associated – in the West at least – with fall and winter. Ginger heats the blood and makes us stronger so as to be able to withstand the cold months more readily.

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Pumpkin Spice Enough

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Pumpkin Spice Enough For Me

Ah well. In the US at least, it’s Pumpkin Spice season. Worse for some of us, it comes earlier, is more ubiquitous, and last later every year. I know that the spice must flow, but these beautiful ginger babes are pumpkin spice enough for me.

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Pumpkin Spice Girls

As it’s actually November and doing so wouldn’t enable to “seasonal creep” America is already suffering from, I feel OK’ish about joining in the promulgation of Pumpkin Spice. 😆

Pumpkin Spice Girls

Yep! 18 delightful pumpkin spice girls, all them ginger so as to fit in the season’s meme and eating / drinking tendencies. After all, ginger is a primary ingredient in pumpkin spice.

Pumpkin Spice Girls? Isn’t That Racist?

But isn’t the whole “White girls love pumpkin spice anything” racist? The answer is yes and no.  Objectively, the trope that White girls love pumpkin spice is a racist and stereotypical as the idea that Blacks love fried chicken, watermelon, and grape soda. However, that is an objective, fact-based reality that has no inherent racial component. In other words, Liberals, Progressives, and Blacks, using a narrative-based, non-objective  definition of what is or isn’t racist, will say that it isn’t and can’t be racist because the girls are White.

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