Autumnal Fire

Autumnal Fire Will Keep You Warm … Or Hot And Bothered
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Autumn is upon us, and with it comes colder weather and, in many areas, a fair bit of uncomfortably cold rain. But be of stout heart and open mind. There are plenty of redheads out there and their fire will keep you warm … or hot and bothered by either their intrinsically erotic beauty or the madness that is seemingly endemic among them. 😉
‘Tis True! Gingers Heat The Blood
Yeah! There’s a reason why ginger is a spice associated – in the West at least – with fall and winter. Ginger heats the blood and makes us stronger so as to be able to withstand the cold months more readily.
Tags: Autumn | Babes | Beauty | Cold Weather | Fall | Gingers | Redheads | Sexy | Society | Warm