These Unbearably Woke Days

In These Unbearably Woke Days
In These Unbearably Woke Days

In Coca-Cola’s defense, ads featuring him wouldn’t show up in AI-driven search results, so they had some legitimate reason to “cancel” him. 😉

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You Must Hire Ghetto Thugs

You Must Hire Ghetto Thugs
You Must Hire Ghetto Thugs

Biden and Co., if one can judge by their federal lawsuit against the multi-state convenience store chain, Sheetz, is declaring by fiat that you must hire ghetto thugs. They’re even attempting, again via extra-judicial fiat, to declare not hiring ghetto thugs to be a federal crime. They’re attacking Sheetz for not hiring people who failed a criminal background check… because the majority of criminals are Black – 7x more than Whites and 3x more than Hispanics. Hence, not hiring these criminals is racist according to Biden and Co..

Essentially, they’re doubling down on the Democrats’ longstanding, racist policy that criminality is a “protected class” since so many criminals are Black. They declaim that the Disparate Impact of taking action to protect people from proven threats is inherently racist due to the race of so many criminals.

So, you must specifically hire ghetto thugs or Biden and Co. will come for you with the full force of federal law and law enforcement.

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Climate Change’s Spokestroll

Climate Change's Spokestroll In A Nutshell
Climate Change’s Spokestroll In A Nutshell

Greta Thunberg, the severely mentally ill spokestroll for the world’s Global Warmists, is the perfect face for the hypocrisy and selective actions of the Warmists as a whole. Only certain countries are faced with their outrage and have to deal with Leftist politicians pandering to them. Other, somehow always non-White, countries can, do, and will act and “pollute” as the please with no reasonable fear of backlash.

Then, the entirety of the AGW alarmism and activism has almost always been more about wealth redistribution and equity than it’s been about Climate Change. And it’s been far more about padding the pockets of a small number of businessmen and politicians than that.

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Come DIE With Us

Come DIE With Us
Merit Is Racist
Come DIE With Us

This doesn’t even have to airline specific. In any case where failure can cost lives, DEI will cause people to DIE. The moment any organizations decides that merit is racist or that Diversity, Equity, or Inclusion has any intrinsic value, that organization has decided that their actual mission is unimportant. If that mission could put people’s lives at risk due to poor performance, they’ve also decided that those people’s lives don’t hold as much value as DEI signalling.

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Improved ESG Score?

Improved ESG Score?
Improved ESG Score?

Well, does that mean that White Supremacy, that unwieldy shibboleth of our domestic enemies, is finally getting a better ESG score? Has the oikophobic Left finally achieved DEI in White Supremacy? 👿

The answer, of course, is no. This is nothing new at all. The Left and their minority sharecroppers have always proclaimed the existence and problem on non-White White Supremacists. Insofar as their concerned any non-White who is, in our domestic enemies’ opinions, insufficiently exilic from- and hateful towards Whites and our nation is a White Supremacist. The Blacks have their “Oreos” and “Uncle Toms.” The Hispanics inside our borders have their “Tío Tomáses” or “Tío Tacos.” Even the Amerindians have their “Apples.” They and their liberal enablers all have their epithets for those of their own who they perceive as being race traitors.

So, no improved ESG score for White Supremacy. The Democrats’ multi-billion dollar racism industry just won’t allow that to happen.

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