The Real Job

The Real Job
The Real Job

That’s the Gods’ honest truth. As I once said about Obama, Biden is/was just a symptom of a deep-seated problem with many inside America’s borders. While it was a needed thing to remove Biden and his replacement, Kamala from any position of power, authority, or responsibility, the real job still facing Americans is taking whatever steps and action are necessary to ensure that nothing like Obama, Biden, or Harris are ever near any position wherein they could impact our nation in the future.

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We May Be Garbage

We May Be Garbage
We May Be Garbage, Joe, But…

So, Creepy Uncle Joe just called the American people garbage while shilling for his replacement, Kamala. S’OK though; that’s still on the “nicer” end of what Dems normally call Americans. We’re used to things like: Bitter Clingers, Deplorables, and Irredeemable, and we’re ready to deal with the logical results of being called Nazis and Fascists.

Shitborn Kamala
But We’re Not Shitborn Effluvia That Needs Flushing

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’d much rather be deplorable, irredeemable, garbage than some shitborn filth that America needs to flush down the drain. And let’s face it, Kamala needs to be flushed. I wouldn’t even compost her for fear of poisoning the soil I grow my vegetables in.

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Divided & Falling

Dems' House Divided & Falling
Dems’ House Divided & Falling

The Democrats’ house is certainly divided and it looks like it’s falling down. 😀

Creepy Uncle Joe seems to be taking whatever few opportunities that they allow him to undermine Kamala. And, in a shocking turn of events, even Bill Clinton turned on her and directly blamed her for the murders resulting from the Border Crisis that Kamala exacerbated.

I can understand Biden’s actions. Senile as he is, he still knows that he was stabbed in the back by his own people. It makes sense that spite would lead him to undermine Kamala whenever he got the chance to do so. It’s ole Slick Willy’s unprecedented attack that is shocking. Just how much and how badly is the Dems’ house divided?

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OD’d On The Blue Pill

When They've OD'd On The Blue Pill
When They’ve OD’d On The Blue Pill

When the Dems OD’d on the Blue Pill, this is what they got. Hellfire! They went to extreme lengths to get it. And this is what they’re efforts bought them, a President lost in his own degenerating mind.

What’s even more horrifying is that those same Dems didn’t remove him because he’s mentally incompetent. They removed him, accepting that Kamala would have to be their Nominee, because they firmly believed that Biden wasn’t capable of preventing President Trump’s return to his office. It bodes ill for the American people that the Dems care far more about an election than they do the state of the country and world at large.

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Support Ukraine!

Support Ukraine!
Support Ukraine!

Oh yes! Please side with Biden and his Democrat enablers and support Ukraine. I mean really! With the entirety of the Democrats’ political and economic platforms being based upon upending, tearing down, and reversing every significant facet of America, why shouldn’t we be siding with Nazis against Russia this time around? 🙄

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