Yeah, I Was Right

Yeah, I Was Right - They Removed Biden
Yeah, I Was Right – They Removed Biden

Yeah, I was right. Last weekend was then end of Biden’s hopes for a second term. His “COVID diagnosis” was it for him, which is what I expected.

It’s OK, Joe. Just Just Need A Little Rest

It went exactly as I expected. Joe said a serious medical condition would cause him to bow out and within 24 hours of that statement being publicly released he “tested positive” for COVID-19 and had to isolate at his home in Delaware. And, within 48 hours of that he formally ended his campaign.

Uh huh. It is to laugh. The power brokers in the Democrat party – in true Senatorial fashion – stuck their knives in his hopes of reelection. That trip home to convalesce was a bit more permanent than was let on.

I’ve got to wonder though; did Joe, in pain and shock, say, “Et tu, Barak?” while Kamala’s hyena snicker echoed through the room?

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Is This It? Is Biden Done?

Is This It? Is Biden Done?
Is This It? Is Biden Done?

One really has to wonder at this point if this it and Biden’s done and is going to withdraw – or be forcibly withdrawn from the 2024 Presidential campaign by his fellow Democrats.

Right before the failed Trump Assassination Biden told reporters that the only way he’d withdraw from the race is if he had a serious medical condition. Then, essentially immediately following the failed removal of his political rival, he has been allegedly diagnosed with COVID-19 for the 3rd time in two years, and has cancelled critical political rallies before the DNC Convention in order to go into seclusion to convalesce at his home in Delaware.

I’m not much for conspiracies, being fond of Occam’s Razor, but that sounds like Biden’s done and the Dems are done with him, and a laudable face-saving rationale for Biden’s withdrawal has been set up and acted upon. It would be an “honorable” end to his career. It’d certainly be better than being coerced into just withdrawing at this point because too many key Dems believe he can’t win against President Trump. Alternatively, he – or Jill – might now believe that he can’t win against Trump in the wake of his decline and the failed assassination, believe that bowing out without truly conceding or being beaten is less galling and more protective of his legacy than any other option.

And, as crazy as times are now, let’s not completely refute the possibility of enough DNC delegates determining that, “in good conscience” they could not nominate Biden as the 2024 candidate, potentially jumping straight to Kamala Harris. That’s would be the ultimate refutation of- and insult to Biden.

The situation and the time are, after all, fairly suspicious. A man, beleaguered by his own supposed allies and constituents, who is fully vaccinated and boostered against COVID-19, contracts the disease 3 times in 2 years? Unless he’s severely immunocompromised, which his general good physical health doesn’t indicate, that’s a bit fishy, especially since there’s been no reports of COVID “hotspots” surrounding him. And, if he is that vulnerable to the disease, it’d be a valid reason for his withdrawal in the first place for the sake of his health, given that a POTUS dying or being incapacitated while in office is inherently vastly disruptive to the nation and world politics and economics.

So, is this it? Is Biden done? I give it only slightly less than an even chance that it’s over and he’s done. But, that’s based upon rational thought, which no longer seems to have much place in our political landscape.

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Trump Ascendent

Trump Ascendent
Trump Ascendent
(Click to Enlarge)

So, Saturday, July 13, 2024 they tried to assassinate President Trump and managed to put a bullet through the top of his earlobe. In other words, they came an inch or minute of angle (MOA) away from killing him.

This worked out for them about as bad as it could. One, look at that image. Look at the singular most powerful, American image of the last 100 or more years. This is the once and future President of the United States of America… if there’s a 2024 election and if it’s conducted legally and fairly this time. Otherwise, this is the first Lord Protector of America.

Does anyone, American or Democrat, actually believe that a man who, just being shot like that, who wrestle his way clear enough from the Secret Security detail so that he could pump his fist in defiance and tell the American people to “fight, fight, fight!” won’t be elected POTUS in a proper 2024 election? His actions in response to being shot in an assassination attempt are second only to President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt’s in 1912. And, honestly, I think President Trump would have equaled his predecessor if he’d been allowed to.

President Trump has weathered: an illegal attack upon his original campaign by the sitting POTUS and his rival, multiple spurious impeachments by our enemies in Congress, the total weaponization of DOJ and local court systems against him in a massive lawfare campaign; and now a murder attempt while moving to restore his Presidency. And he’s stronger than ever.

Batter, bruised, and bloody, but unbroken and unbowed. Trump is ascendent!

Not Planned, But Fully Accepted

Now, unlike many Americans, I don’t believe that the Democrats planned for President Trump’s assassination. I just think that they fully accepted it as an acceptable consequence of their massive campaign against him and all of us who support him. I firmly believe that their monolithic campaign to paint him as a “threat to Democracy” who would be “Dictator on Day One” was planned to achieve only two things: to incite their constituency to vote against trump despite the obvious flaws of Biden, and to garner acceptance of their extra-legal and illegal lawfare campaign against the President.

The Democrats did, however, fully accept that such a campaign could result in violence and might lead to his assassination. President Trump’s and/or any of his supporters’ deaths were just considered by the Democrats and their Lamestream media to be acceptable combat losses. They figured – and probably still figure – that they could weather any storm that arose from it.

It Was A Fully Justified Shooting

Now, in the wake of President Trump being shot; James Copenhaver, who was killed protecting his family from incoming fire with his body; and the serious injury of David Dutch and James Copenhaver, a lot people – especially Democrats and very, very especially those Democrats who are now essentially green lighted – are saying that political violence is never justified.

Simply put, those many people, including my fellow blogger, Tyler aka The Portly Politico are wrong.

Whatever your opinion of President Trump’s policies and personality, there is no justification for attempting his murder.

The Portly Politico
“We Are All Deplorables Now” July 15,2024

Here’s the sad fact. From the standpoint of the shooter, this could be and probably was a fully justified shooting, including the killing and injuring of bystanders. If anyone in America is brainwashed by the Democrats’ constant painting of President Trump as an existential threat to Democracy and America, they’d feel fully justified in killing him and fully justified in accepting bystanders’ death as acceptable collateral damage. They’ve even be, as this shooter was, willing to go into the operation knowing that they’d die completing it. This is, after all, saving Democracy and America from “the greatest threat against it in American history.” They have, after all, time and time against preached that, if Trump wins the 2024 elections there will never be elections again.

Think about that. How far would you go to save Democracy? What would do to save the very foundation of the premise of America? Is there any act you would balk at? And, if there is, do you think you’d hate yourself for your restraint if it led to America’s destruction?

So, in my opinion, the shooter could be said to be justified in his actions because he sincerely held the belief that he was saving American Democracy from the threat posed by President Trump.

No. The fault, the crime, the rank evil lies with the Democrat movers and shakers and their Lamestream Media personalities who created this death cult. Let us just be relieved and happy that, instead of laying President Trump low, they ascended him.

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Biden’s Identity Crisis

Biden's Identity Crisis
Biden’s Identity Crisis

After Biden’s splud performance in the recent debate, he really needed to make some strong performances in interviews and engagements afterward in order to lessen the stark terror of a significant portion of the Democrats. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen – even though radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders of WURD in Philadelphia used a subset of the allowed questions provided to her by the Biden campaign.

In particular, Biden’s response to a easy, softball question about his naming some of his accomplishments is beyond sad and worrying:

I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, the first Black woman, to serve with a Black president.

Joe Biden

Well, on the bright side, Biden didn’t identify as a cat. 🙄 But, I don’t even think that the most extreme of the “you can be anything you want to be and people HAVE to accommodate you” #Woke crowd are going to claim that Biden’s identity crisis is stunning and brave. No. Everybody is going to realize that the senile octogenarian lost track of what was going on and ended up, in his befuddled state, combining two of his well-rehearsed responses or two parts of the one he gave.

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To Our Independence!

On this day 248 years ago, a group, who had the courage to stand up for their freedom, formally declared their independence from a government that was tyrannical, exploitive, and did not serve the interests of the American people.

To Our Independence!

And so we celebrate these brave men and women who were ready, willing, and able to take up arms to secure their independence and birth our nation.

And, as a bonus for we Americans in these times, Independence Day is the one day of the year when we can wear and wave the flag and be openly proud of our nation and People without risking ending up on the Democrats’ FBI’s domestic terrorism watch list. 😉

To Keeping It!

But any form of liberty is always vulnerable. It must be protected and nourished or it will be murdered by those who cannot stand a Free People. So, let us heartily celebrate those who will focus upon keeping our independence from enemies foreign and domestic. Let us salute those who will cast their ballots to Make America Great Again!

To Restoring It!

But, we also must salute those among our People who realize that the Democrats will be very unlikely to abide by our victory at the ballot box.

No, to paraphrase and borrow from Malcom X, 2024 is the year of the ballot or the bullet, and the Democrats, the government agencies, and their media have provided us with more than ample evidence that they – perhaps or even probably again – have little to no intention of allowing any ballot to unseat them from power, especially not if abiding by the vote restored President Trump to his rightful office.

Truly, with all our domestic enemies have done since 2015, how can one simply believe that they’d allow or acknowledge a Trump victory in 2024? With all they’ve called for and threatened, how can any American believe that the Dems will cede power just because they’re actually voted out of office?

Face hard, unpleasant, but evident facts; Democrat power brokers and their lamestream media have spent years hammering home the propaganda that President Trump and the American people are imminent, existential threats to Democracy, and a great number (86%) of their rank and file truly and strongly believe this.

How Dems See President Trump
How Dems See President Trump

Remember, The DNC itself uses the phrase, “Dictator on ‘Day One’” to describe the return of President Trump to office, and a lot on the Left took that to heart. They literally see the restoration of President Trump to office as the death knell of democracy in America.

How far would you go to protect America’s democracy if you believed it was under clear and present threat? The Left is at least as willing as you to go that far and probably farther, given the prevalence of mental illness among them, to protect their vision of America.

So, raise up a joyous noise to our independence! While we have it and while the streets and fields are still unmarred by civil war. Eat, Drink, Fuck, and Be Merry. For tomorrow we kill and die.

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