To Our Independence!

On this day 248 years ago, a group, who had the courage to stand up for their freedom, formally declared their independence from a government that was tyrannical, exploitive, and did not serve the interests of the American people.

To Our Independence!

And so we celebrate these brave men and women who were ready, willing, and able to take up arms to secure their independence and birth our nation.

And, as a bonus for we Americans in these times, Independence Day is the one day of the year when we can wear and wave the flag and be openly proud of our nation and People without risking ending up on the Democrats’ FBI’s domestic terrorism watch list. 😉

To Keeping It!

But any form of liberty is always vulnerable. It must be protected and nourished or it will be murdered by those who cannot stand a Free People. So, let us heartily celebrate those who will focus upon keeping our independence from enemies foreign and domestic. Let us salute those who will cast their ballots to Make America Great Again!

To Restoring It!

But, we also must salute those among our People who realize that the Democrats will be very unlikely to abide by our victory at the ballot box.

No, to paraphrase and borrow from Malcom X, 2024 is the year of the ballot or the bullet, and the Democrats, the government agencies, and their media have provided us with more than ample evidence that they – perhaps or even probably again – have little to no intention of allowing any ballot to unseat them from power, especially not if abiding by the vote restored President Trump to his rightful office.

Truly, with all our domestic enemies have done since 2015, how can one simply believe that they’d allow or acknowledge a Trump victory in 2024? With all they’ve called for and threatened, how can any American believe that the Dems will cede power just because they’re actually voted out of office?

Face hard, unpleasant, but evident facts; Democrat power brokers and their lamestream media have spent years hammering home the propaganda that President Trump and the American people are imminent, existential threats to Democracy, and a great number (86%) of their rank and file truly and strongly believe this.

How Dems See President Trump
How Dems See President Trump

Remember, The DNC itself uses the phrase, “Dictator on ‘Day One’” to describe the return of President Trump to office, and a lot on the Left took that to heart. They literally see the restoration of President Trump to office as the death knell of democracy in America.

How far would you go to protect America’s democracy if you believed it was under clear and present threat? The Left is at least as willing as you to go that far and probably farther, given the prevalence of mental illness among them, to protect their vision of America.

So, raise up a joyous noise to our independence! While we have it and while the streets and fields are still unmarred by civil war. Eat, Drink, Fuck, and Be Merry. For tomorrow we kill and die.

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Biden Fixes Things

The Only Things Biden Fixes Is Elections
The Only Things Biden Fixes Is Elections

OK, to be fair and to go with the empirical evidence, it’s not Creepy Uncle who tried to fix the 2016 elections, fixed the 2020 elections after years of lawfare against President Trump, and are working hard to fix the upcoming 2024 elections. It’s the actual sorts running the Democrat party and using the poor, mush-brained pedophile as a sockpuppet.

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Trump’s Conviction Explained

Trump's Conviction Explained
Trump’s Conviction Explained

Not much more needs to be said on the Democrats’ conviction of President Trump for 34 charges related to Stormy Daniels’ claim that he falsified business records in relation to a hush money payment made to the mattress actress back in 2016 in order to buy her silence of an alleged past affair.

The Democrats simply destroyed one of the underpinnings of American democracy by eradicating the credibility of the US courts system with their unending lawfare against President Trump, after they and their media made absolutely sure to explicitly paint President Trump as an existential threat to democracy, thereby ensuring that in no case could he ever get a fair trial.

And, do be sure that the thing sitting as a judge in the kangaroo court, Juan Merchan will sentence President Trump to imprisonment or some other form of restriction to make it impossible or nearly impossible for him to campaign in the 2024 elections. After all, that’s the primary point of the Democrats’ rape of America’s legal system.

The real question remaining is how she we, the People respond, and what reprisals shall we enact upon these domestic enemies of America?

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Spot The Difference

Spot The Difference
Spot The Difference

Spot the difference in the result of questioning the validity of an election? Yeah, it’s pretty damn easy to do so. The lone American gets a different, worse result for questioning election integrity. Of course, the simple truth is that, when an American is elected it despite Democrat malfeasance, and when a Democrat is elected it is because of it. There’s no need to question the result.

No; the only real question is what we, the People are going to do about it and about what they Democrats are planning for the upcoming election. After all, since the Dems have proven that they have one law for themselves and another for Americans, why should we allow them the luxury of protection under our laws?

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Dems Want Biden To Act

Dems Want Biden To Act Fast
Dems Want Biden To Act Fast

Yeah, as the 2024 elections draw closer and closer and President Trump’s victory looks more and more certain, I’m betting that the Democrats are pressuring Biden to act quickly and decisively to make sure that the elections go their way. Hellfire! Given what they’ve done repeatedly since 2015, you can’t even blame them for pushing Biden to go to the next level. They’re terrified of what might happen to them upon President Trumps restoration to his rightful office.

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