Biden Fixes Things

The Only Things Biden Fixes Is Elections
The Only Things Biden Fixes Is Elections

OK, to be fair and to go with the empirical evidence, it’s not Creepy Uncle who tried to fix the 2016 elections, fixed the 2020 elections after years of lawfare against President Trump, and are working hard to fix the upcoming 2024 elections. It’s the actual sorts running the Democrat party and using the poor, mush-brained pedophile as a sockpuppet.

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Respect Is Earned

Juan Merchan
Respect is Earned Mr. Merchan

ROFLMAO. It is a little hard to respect the dignity of a court who’s bringing out and listening to the testimony of a teen stripper turned porn actress, the porn director. It’s even harder to believe in the dignity of a court that is nothing but Democrats’ attempt to keep President Trump from returning to the office and position that they stole from him in 2020.

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Dems’ Jury Selection

Dems' Jury Selection
Dems’ Jury Selection

The Dems’ jury selection for President Trump’s show trials are more than a little consistent. Of course, that’s the major reason why they shopped around for where to hold those trials. 😉

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Dems' 2024 Campaign

Dems' 2024 Campaign
Dems’ 2024 Campaign

Fact-Check: False

The DOJ & FBI are not running the Democrats’ 2024 Presidential campaign. The Democrats’ 2024 Presidential campaign are running the DOJ & FBI!

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