I’m More MAGA Than Ever

I'm More MAGA Than Ever
I’m More MAGA Than Ever
34x More At This Time

That sums it up perfectly. I’m 34x more MAGA than I was before the Democrats’ extreme lawfare and subornation of the judicial system to persecute President Trump and disenfranchise the American voters so that the Dems can “win” another election.

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Biden Fixes Things

The Only Things Biden Fixes Is Elections
The Only Things Biden Fixes Is Elections

OK, to be fair and to go with the empirical evidence, it’s not Creepy Uncle who tried to fix the 2016 elections, fixed the 2020 elections after years of lawfare against President Trump, and are working hard to fix the upcoming 2024 elections. It’s the actual sorts running the Democrat party and using the poor, mush-brained pedophile as a sockpuppet.

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Trump’s Conviction Explained

Trump's Conviction Explained
Trump’s Conviction Explained

Not much more needs to be said on the Democrats’ conviction of President Trump for 34 charges related to Stormy Daniels’ claim that he falsified business records in relation to a hush money payment made to the mattress actress back in 2016 in order to buy her silence of an alleged past affair.

The Democrats simply destroyed one of the underpinnings of American democracy by eradicating the credibility of the US courts system with their unending lawfare against President Trump, after they and their media made absolutely sure to explicitly paint President Trump as an existential threat to democracy, thereby ensuring that in no case could he ever get a fair trial.

And, do be sure that the thing sitting as a judge in the kangaroo court, Juan Merchan will sentence President Trump to imprisonment or some other form of restriction to make it impossible or nearly impossible for him to campaign in the 2024 elections. After all, that’s the primary point of the Democrats’ rape of America’s legal system.

The real question remaining is how she we, the People respond, and what reprisals shall we enact upon these domestic enemies of America?

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Respect Is Earned

Juan Merchan
Respect is Earned Mr. Merchan

ROFLMAO. It is a little hard to respect the dignity of a court who’s bringing out and listening to the testimony of a teen stripper turned porn actress, the porn director. It’s even harder to believe in the dignity of a court that is nothing but Democrats’ attempt to keep President Trump from returning to the office and position that they stole from him in 2020.

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Spot The Difference

Spot The Difference
Spot The Difference

Spot the difference in the result of questioning the validity of an election? Yeah, it’s pretty damn easy to do so. The lone American gets a different, worse result for questioning election integrity. Of course, the simple truth is that, when an American is elected it despite Democrat malfeasance, and when a Democrat is elected it is because of it. There’s no need to question the result.

No; the only real question is what we, the People are going to do about it and about what they Democrats are planning for the upcoming election. After all, since the Dems have proven that they have one law for themselves and another for Americans, why should we allow them the luxury of protection under our laws?

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