It Starts Tomorrow Night

Too Big To Rig - Our First Effort And Hope
Our First Effort And Hope

Obviously, the first and best effort and hope is and should be that we make President Trump’s vote tallies to be for the Democrats to rig this time. Sadly, with both known and condoned by Democrats issues with the voting machines in use and the Dems seemingly able to pull out as many emergency votes as they need after the polls close, our effort and hope may come to nothing.

Effort And Hope Can Be Defeated By Evil
But Effort And Hope Can Be Defeated By Evil

Also, Jan 5th is just the start of the war. There are already recorded statements from Democrats that they will refuse to certify the election results if they show that President Trump won, and other on-the-record threats that they will simply twist the 14th Amendment’s Section 3 to disqualify him and negate the election results. Going further, the Dems have already contracted 1000s of attorneys to challenge the election results if President Trump wins and Kamala’s fellow Democrats balk at outright canceling the American voters’ will.

And lastly, all the above corrupt evil having failed, it’s not that unlikely that Democrat operatives – totally uncontrolled and acting completely as grassroots rogue elements – will assassinate President Trump and J.D. Vance during the deliberately prolonged period between the election and their eventual confirmation to office, thereby giving the Dems an unprecedented opportunity to ignore the 2024 election results.

By Bullet or Ballot
By Bullet Or Ballot

Honestly, I want this all to be fairly and correctly solved by the ballot. Even if the American people lose and Kamala honestly becomes POTUS, I can deal with that, as can at least 97% of our People. I just don’t – and haven’t since the Dems’ lawfare and war rhetoric started – think that this election and/or the final outcome will be determined by an honest ballot and the will of the People and/or the Dems’ constituencies.

When the Dems and their media incessantly call President Trump the next Hitler; when they call us deplorables, irredeemable, Nazis, Fascists, garbage, and anti-American, it becomes very, very difficult to believe that they won’t cheat or twist laws to keep our President from returning to the White House.

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Hurry Up!

Hurry Up! This IS The Emergency
Hurry Up! This IS The Emergency

It is actually that sort of emergency time in America right now. And, as such, we really need to restore President Trump to his rightful office if we’re to have any hope of America’s recovery. Simply put, all the hysterical, inflammatory, violence-calling things that the Democrats have called President Trump and the true-born and rightly-raised American people are true in a sense. They’re each and all displacements from the Democrats. They are the real threat to our democracy and our republic and have already done everything that they claim President Trump would do if elected again and more and worse.

The only point they’re completely wrong on is that 2024 could never be the last election in America. In a genuine sense, 2016 was the last one – though many, many Dems claim that one was stolen. 2020 certainly wasn’t and 2024 stands a good chance of being no better.

Note, however, that this is less about restoring President Trump to office and correcting for the Democrats’ previous evil and more about preventing them from succeeding in destroying the foundations of the American republic. President Trump, while one of our nation’s best Presidents for his time, is just one man with limited power and authority. What’s truly important is sending a strong message to the Dems and their ilk that their extra-legal, quasi-legal, and outright illegal methodologies for securing control of our government will not be tolerated and that reprisals will be enacted upon them and those that are associated with them by blood or affiliation.

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Our Outlaw POTUS

Our Outlaw POTUS
Our Outlaw POTUS

That sums up our President, Donald Trump. He’s a wanted outlaw by the Democrats and has been since 2016, when they formulated the Steele Dossier. Since that time, the Dems have used every means at their disposal, both quasi-legal and even less so, to bring him down. It’s even gone so far that they have all but declared that he’s wanted dead or alive.

Sucks to be them though. Americans have always loved an outlaw.

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I’m More MAGA Than Ever

I'm More MAGA Than Ever
I’m More MAGA Than Ever
34x More At This Time

That sums it up perfectly. I’m 34x more MAGA than I was before the Democrats’ extreme lawfare and subornation of the judicial system to persecute President Trump and disenfranchise the American voters so that the Dems can “win” another election.

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Biden Fixes Things

The Only Things Biden Fixes Is Elections
The Only Things Biden Fixes Is Elections

OK, to be fair and to go with the empirical evidence, it’s not Creepy Uncle who tried to fix the 2016 elections, fixed the 2020 elections after years of lawfare against President Trump, and are working hard to fix the upcoming 2024 elections. It’s the actual sorts running the Democrat party and using the poor, mush-brained pedophile as a sockpuppet.

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