
President Trump Is Superhuman
President Trump Is Superhuman

Honestly, with illegal and/or quasi-legal political attacks launched against him by the Obama regime, the Clinton machine, and the Deep State; four years of incessant coup attempts by Congressional Democrats; four more years of straight-up, tyrannical lawfare waged by the Biden regime against him in several states; and two separate assassination attempts, the Once and Present President, Donald Trump showed superhuman effort in restoring himself to his proper Office and Dominion.

What Americans’ POTUS has done is amazing. But what and who he had to fight against was equally terrifying. Americans’ domestic enemies have shown how far they’re willing to go when they’re not facing the armed might of the American people.

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You're About To Be Unbidened By What Has Been
You’re About To Be Unbidened By What Has Been

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The Nightmare Is Ending

The Nightmare Is Ending Soon
The Nightmare Is Ending

Yes! The nightmare that is/was Biden’s installment in the Presidency is almost over – just a few more days left. And, while whoever has its hand up Biden’s rectum and has been using the senile fool as a puppet is trying to make those last bits of the nightmare as damaging to our nation as possible, we are going to soon see America’s course corrected and a return towards, if not all the way to, greatness.

January 20th will mark the beginning of a new age in America. But, January 20th is also when the real work, work we, the People must undertake, begins. Shuffling Creepy Uncle Joe off to a memory care facility or Hospice is just the beginning of the hard work ahead of us.

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The Real Job

The Real Job
The Real Job

That’s the Gods’ honest truth. As I once said about Obama, Biden is/was just a symptom of a deep-seated problem with many inside America’s borders. While it was a needed thing to remove Biden and his replacement, Kamala from any position of power, authority, or responsibility, the real job still facing Americans is taking whatever steps and action are necessary to ensure that nothing like Obama, Biden, or Harris are ever near any position wherein they could impact our nation in the future.

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Restoration In Progress

Restoration In Progress
Restoration In Progress

Stay strong. Stay patient. But, stay vigilant, as our domestic enemies are already committing sedition. As long as whoever has their arm up Biden’s ass doesn’t make one final use of their sock puppet and manage to start WW3, the restoration of America is on track.

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