As We Sow, We Reap

As We Sow...
Our Fertile Country Awaits

As I’ve recently written before, the heartland of America – where our national soul was created and still thrives – is a fertile place and where our People’s future will come from.

As We Sow, So Shall We Reap

And this is a point to remember; as we sow, so shall we reap. Democrats and their sorts have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind in times not too far distant. We Americans, on the other hand, should and must sow our seed in fertile American fields, thereby reaping a brighter future for this blessed land and its People.

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Our Fertile Heartland

Our Fertile Heartland
Our Fertile Heartland

In America we have a fertile heartland. Our nation’s heart and soul is strong and still making and raising children, though the numbers are down a bit from previous times – just not as far down as in the cities, where females tend to be more self-centered and uninterested in being mothers.

Ready For Sowing

So, Gentlemen, if you want a family, remember that the country girls are fertile and far more ready for you to sow your seed in them. 😉 It’s a good time to show the Democrats, who congregate in urban areas, that Americans don’t need immigrants to keep our numbers stable.

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Dems' Agricultural Goals

Dems’ Agricultural Goals

The Dems’ agricultural goals are quite simple – the nigh on complete destruction of American farming, farmers, and rural communities. True, this is most and most openly and overtly true among the more “Progressive” arm of the Dems, but the rest of them are either complicit in it or utterly apathetic to what’s being done to farmers in America.

Of course, this makes a certain sense since the majority of Democrats live in urban centers and have little understanding of- or liking for Americans of the heartland, the majority of whom are Republicans. This is largely a simple case of destroying ones enemies.

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Keep It In The Cities, Y’all

Keep It In The Cities, Y’all. We Play Differently,
And Y’all Wouldn’t Like The Rules Or The Stakes

#BlackLivesMatter? #Antifa? Any of those sorts of Democrat constituencies? They really need to keep their shit in the cities. They try that sort of unrest out in the country and they’ll learn right quick how we handle and have always handled their sort and the problems they try to bring to the Heartland.

Believe me in this one thing if nothing else. If they’re luckier than they deserve, they never see or hear it coming. Many will be given plenty of time to repent before what’s left of them is sent to Judgement.

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Simple Rules In Simple Words

Simple Rules In Simple Words
The Hillbilly 10 Commandments
Simple Rules In Simple Words
The Hillbilly 10 Commandments

While many, myself included, love the prose in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, I do believe that many in society would benefit far more from the simple rules therein to be told to them in simple words.

Of course, since this is all delivered in the simple words of the “Hillbilly,” the “Redneck,” the “uneducated” men and women of America’s heartland, those sorts who are the most exilic from the Word, the most fallen away from any faith, and who would most benefit from simple rules in simple words are exactly the ones that would and will reject and deride this.

Then, a great many of those sorts would reject and deride these simple rules and their underlying wisdom no matter what prose they were couched in. They find them to be abhorrent and an abomination.

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