It’s a simple fact that, back in the day, Americans didn’t have to deal with things like #BlackLivesMatter or their “White” allies, #Antifa. We, as a People knew how to deal with their sort in order to protect our own from them.
Sure – not going to deny the truth; we also committed a lot of egregious wrongs and did some very unnecessary and evil things. But, we also didn’t have the crap we’re dealing with today – in times when actual racism is largely a memory and Blacks are in a much better position.
Want The Klan? This Is How You Bring Back The Klan
Just so you know – since real history is not allowed to be taught in our schools anymore – the feral savagery of #BlackLivesMatter is exactly the behavior that was wrongfully at that time expected from the newly freed Blacks by many Southerners after the Bluebellies conquered us. Also, #Antifa follows the same path as the carpetbaggers, though they greatly exceed the violence and danger of those 19th-century Northern grifters.
And, to defend what was left of the South after the end of Lincoln’s War from those sorts is exactly why the Klu Klux Klan was originally formed.
So yeah, the Klan was wrong then; little to nothing that they expected happened. They wouldn’t, however, be wrong now.
Yeah, back in the day, Americans knew how to deal with things like #BlackLivesMatter and #Antifa. Maybe, with greater intelligence applied, we should rethink no longer caring first about the Greater Good than the comfort of small groups of savage, feral malcontents.
Tags: #Antifa | #BlackLiesMatter | #BlackLivesMatter | America | Anti-Racism | Blacks | History | Insurrection | KKK | Race Riots | Race War | Riots