The 47 Million Uninsured
President Obama and his Liberals are trying very hard to build outrage over the fact that supposedly 47 Million Americans are uninsured. They paint a sad and heart wrenching picture of poor but proud families who have to choose between food and healthcare – if they even have that choice in the first place.
Somehow I don’t think that the picture that they’re painting is of the Realism school; it’s likely Impressionist at best and completely Surrealist at worst.
So, about that picture …
Michael Ramirez from IBDeditorials proves once again that a single picture is worth more than a 1018 pages of words:
The 47 Million Uninsured in America
Oddly enough the number’s in Ramirez’ cartoon add up to 59.9 Million, not 47 Million Uninsured. I’m assuming he just discounted the 12.6 Million Illegal Aliens from the title so as to match up to the Liberals’ numbers.
Does that imply that the Liberals’ 47 Million uninsured claim are also discounting the 12.6 Million Illegal Aliens from their totals? That might sit poorly with some of their constituency 😉
Healthcare and Health Insurance – related but tangential issue – Reform is certainly needed in the United States; that I don’t dispute. I strongly dispute that healthcare is a right though, and I even more strongly dispute that it is within the government’s purview to mandate it and control it. Most of all I staunchly dispute that the abomination that is Obama and his Liberals’ “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (AAHCA)” is anything but destructive to the American economy and Americans’ freedom.
Even if there truly were 47 Million Americans unable to receive healthcare, the price tag – both monetary and socio-political – attached to this bill is just too high to make it worthwhile.
So let President Obama and his Liberals in and out of Congress paint the situation anyway that they like. I’ll stick with something a bit more realistic, like Ramirez’ cartoon. It may be not be pretty, but it a lot more realistic – as well as being sarcastically funny. 😉
Tags: America | Cartoons | Congress | Freedom | Healthcare | Humor | Liberals | Obama | Politics | Socialism | Tyranny
July 24th, 2009 at 10:12 am
It is hard to understand your stance on this cartoon. Are you implying that these are accurate numbers? Or do you feel that these numbers are simply embellished truths?
July 24th, 2009 at 10:24 am
There, zhann; I appended the post in order to make my position a bit more clear.
As a side note, Ramirez’s figures come indirectly from the latest US Census Report. Are they accurate? I doubt it, but they’re closer to the truth than what the Liberals are saying.
July 24th, 2009 at 6:56 pm
The idea that all the uninsured are poor people is completely wrong. If you are poor and would have to choose between food and health care, you can get Medicaid! It would be great to hear something about that on the news sometime.
July 25th, 2009 at 7:33 am
Yes, things like that would be good to hear on the news. It’s not going to happen though; Cronkite retired years ago and is now dead, taking the last memory journalism with him to his grave.
December 12th, 2016 at 2:36 pm
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