Academic Funding

Why We Should End Academic Funding
Why We Should End Academic Funding

Our federal government funding colleges and universities is just like that, which would be OK, if insane, if the federal government were the only ones harmed through their suicidal stupidity. Sadly however, it the nation as a whole, especially true-born and rightly-raised patriots, who suffer the greatest damage from it. And yet, they still do it.

Honestly, these days we look back on somewhat earlier years when these colleges and universities were merely hotbeds of Leftist indoctrination as the ‘good ol’ days.” The current #Wokeism, Antisemitism, outright support for terrorists and America’s avowed enemies, and increasing intolerance of- and disdain for normal Americans looks more like the lead up to either the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia or the rise of the Nazi party in Germany than anything that belongs in America. And what is supposedly our government continues to fund them with our tax dollars.

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Disney’s Snowflake Remake

Disney's Snowflake Remake
Disney’s Snowflake Remake

That about perfectly sums up Libtard society and Disney’s current #Woke inanity. Sometime between 2016 and 2024, even the snowflakes aren’t White in the Disneyverse. 😆

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Restoration In Progress

Restoration In Progress
Restoration In Progress

Stay strong. Stay patient. But, stay vigilant, as our domestic enemies are already committing sedition. As long as whoever has their arm up Biden’s ass doesn’t make one final use of their sock puppet and manage to start WW3, the restoration of America is on track.

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Unburdening America

Unburdening America
Unburdening America

With President Trump’s restoration to his proper office, America has taken its first great step towards unburdening itself from what has been – degeneracy, dissolution, #Woke shit, and the various and sundry insanities of the Left. However, we all need to remember that it’s just the first step, albeit a great one, on the road to Making America Great Again. President Trump and the GOP can only do so much. We, the People need to do our part to make it unavoidably clear to our domestic enemies that they have no voice in the course of our nation anymore and abide here only on our sufferance.

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Go Ahead!

Go Ahead! Steal This Election
Go Ahead! Steal This Election

Really! Go ahead. Steal this election through either straight election fraud or through fucking with the confirmation process. At least 5.1 million Americans are ready, willing, and able to solve for you.

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