
You're About To Be Unbidened By What Has Been
You’re About To Be Unbidened By What Has Been

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The Nightmare Is Ending

The Nightmare Is Ending Soon
The Nightmare Is Ending

Yes! The nightmare that is/was Biden’s installment in the Presidency is almost over – just a few more days left. And, while whoever has its hand up Biden’s rectum and has been using the senile fool as a puppet is trying to make those last bits of the nightmare as damaging to our nation as possible, we are going to soon see America’s course corrected and a return towards, if not all the way to, greatness.

January 20th will mark the beginning of a new age in America. But, January 20th is also when the real work, work we, the People must undertake, begins. Shuffling Creepy Uncle Joe off to a memory care facility or Hospice is just the beginning of the hard work ahead of us.

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I Too Approve This Message

As an American, I Too Approve This Message
As an American, I Too Approve This Message

Oh yes! Be absolutely assured that I too approve this message. The sooner the current “Global Order” is ended, the happier I’ll be and, in my opinion, the better off the average people of the world will be, at least in the mid-to-long term.

To put it simply and without any sugar coating, the “Global Order” only truly benefits a small minority of people across the globe – I’d ironically put it at about 1%. It either became or was designed to maintain a level of global misery that favored the profits of a small number of Globalists and owners of- and investors in the Military Industrial Complex and Resource Extraction and Distribution enterprises, e.g., Haliburton. Hence, if you’re not involved in those industries, that status quo that the Global Order enforces will only benefit you through a “trickle-down” effect.

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Restoration In Progress

Restoration In Progress
Restoration In Progress

Stay strong. Stay patient. But, stay vigilant, as our domestic enemies are already committing sedition. As long as whoever has their arm up Biden’s ass doesn’t make one final use of their sock puppet and manage to start WW3, the restoration of America is on track.

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Unburdening America

Unburdening America
Unburdening America

With President Trump’s restoration to his proper office, America has taken its first great step towards unburdening itself from what has been – degeneracy, dissolution, #Woke shit, and the various and sundry insanities of the Left. However, we all need to remember that it’s just the first step, albeit a great one, on the road to Making America Great Again. President Trump and the GOP can only do so much. We, the People need to do our part to make it unavoidably clear to our domestic enemies that they have no voice in the course of our nation anymore and abide here only on our sufferance.

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