Yeah, I Was Right

Yeah, I Was Right - They Removed Biden
Yeah, I Was Right – They Removed Biden

Yeah, I was right. Last weekend was then end of Biden’s hopes for a second term. His “COVID diagnosis” was it for him, which is what I expected.

It’s OK, Joe. Just Just Need A Little Rest

It went exactly as I expected. Joe said a serious medical condition would cause him to bow out and within 24 hours of that statement being publicly released he “tested positive” for COVID-19 and had to isolate at his home in Delaware. And, within 48 hours of that he formally ended his campaign.

Uh huh. It is to laugh. The power brokers in the Democrat party – in true Senatorial fashion – stuck their knives in his hopes of reelection. That trip home to convalesce was a bit more permanent than was let on.

I’ve got to wonder though; did Joe, in pain and shock, say, “Et tu, Barak?” while Kamala’s hyena snicker echoed through the room?

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Cult Leaders & Kool-Aid

Cult Leaders & Kool-Aid
Cult Leaders & Kool-Aid

Yeah, when it comes to cult leaders and their followers drinking the kool-Aid, Anthony Fauci has Jim Jones beat hands down. They’re not even close to being in the same league. 😉

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The Seven Dwarves

The Seven Dwarves
The Seven Dwarves Of Liberalism

Sort of looks like a new Disney remake. The Seven Dwarves Of Liberalism: Nasty, Angry, Vulgar, Offended, Victimized, Privileged, and Hypocritical. 👿

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Dominoes’ New Delivery Model

Dominoes' New Delivery Model
Dominoes’ New Delivery Model
(Click to Enlarge)

With so many Democrat-controlled states raising the minimum wage for fast food workers to untenable levels, many places – especially pizza places – have or are in the process of laying off workers and outsourcing deliveries to 3rd-parties. So, I’d not be surprised if this sort of full-service delivery exists some place or soon will. 😉

And hey! Democrats on both coasts have been seriously flirting with legalizing prostitution, so this isn’t out of the realm of near-to-mid term possibility of being an open offer… possibly even being on the menu. 🙄

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A Monument To Gen Z

A Monument To Gen Z

Anna Uddenberg’s “Monument to the new generation” may well be the most iconic monument to Gen Z ever conceived of, much less created, though it may have been meant to sum up the spirit and minds of younger Millennials since it was shown first in 2016.

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