Dominoes’ New Delivery Model

Dominoes' New Delivery Model
Dominoes’ New Delivery Model
(Click to Enlarge)

With so many Democrat-controlled states raising the minimum wage for fast food workers to untenable levels, many places – especially pizza places – have or are in the process of laying off workers and outsourcing deliveries to 3rd-parties. So, I’d not be surprised if this sort of full-service delivery exists some place or soon will. 😉

And hey! Democrats on both coasts have been seriously flirting with legalizing prostitution, so this isn’t out of the realm of near-to-mid term possibility of being an open offer… possibly even being on the menu. 🙄

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Disney's Lot Lizards

Disney's Lot Lizards - Fake But Viral Because It's So Plausible
Disney’s Lot Lizards

Disney’s and Pixar’s Lot Lizards is an AI-generated fake, nothing but a bit of humor. It, however, has gone viral for a sick and sad reason. It’s all too plausible in most people’s minds that Disney would make a cartoon featuring reptilian truck stop prostitutes – probably with one of the ensemble being a rent boy and another a trap.

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Will Fuck For Fuel

Thanks To Biden, More And More Women Will Fuck For Fuel
Will Fuck For Fuel

Thanks to Biden and the rest of the Dems’ utter mishandling – if it was unintentional – of every facet of the American economy, especially fuel prices, don’t be surprised if women turn to prostituting themselves in order to fill their gas tanks. It’s not as if it’s that rare of an occurrence and tends to happen in these situations.

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Do Anything To Get Trump

Do Anything To Get Trump
Do Anything To Get Trump

That aptly, if rather offputtingly, sums up the Dems in the House right now. They’d be more than willing to whore themselves – and, most likely, their family members – to impeach Americans’ President, Donald Trump.

To be fair though, it’s unfair and disgusting in its way to single out Pelosi as a whore. Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib are at least as likely to be willing to suck cock for Impeachment. And, the rest of the Dems would be on their knees right beside those whores.

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The Oldest PAC

The Oldest PACMadonna For Hillary – The Oldest PAC

On Tuesday, 18 October 2016, aging pop star Madonna raised some eyebrows by offering to give blow jobs to voters who cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton.

If you vote for Hillary Clinton, I will give you a blow job. OK? I’m really good. I’m not a douche and I’m not a tool. I take my time, I have a lot of eye contact and I do swallow.

— Madonna

OK, leaving aside the fact that any mention of oral sex and the Clintons is “matrimonially insensitive,” this begs the question of since when did prostitution become the manner in which women promoted other women in society, business, and/or politics?

Given that prostitution is rightfully called the oldest profession, I’d hazard the guess that it’s been the manner such things were done since we invented society, business, and politics. Think of it as the oldest PAC. 😛

Of course, the utter lack of outrage among the Feminists shows their hypocrisy in the matter. Given that even “Sex Positive” Feminists – is that an oxymoron or a unicorn? – are against blow jobs and stridently against swallowing, the lack of outrage on their part shows the world that they don’t have a moral position, only a political one.

And…There’s that pesky, little matter of US Federal law. Madonna’s offer to fellate men who vote for Hillary may run afoul of the penumbra of 18 U.S. Code § 597. I’m force to say “may” because that statute requires an expenditure and one could easily argue that Madonna would be spending nothing to suck off these men. Indeed! One could argue that it’s the men who would be “spending.” 😆 Also, as prostitute isn’t legal in America, there may be an odd loophole where an illegal expenditure can’t be legally classed as an expenditure for purposes of the law.

NOTE: Just enjoy or hate the sarcasm. I’m very well aware that Madonna said this as part of her intro for comedienne Amy Schumer at her recent Madison Square Gardens performance. As such, this was all in good, “clean” fun. Hell! If it wasn’t, old Slick Willy would already be line up. 😛

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