Chelsea's Safe Childhood

A lot can be said against ole’ Bill Clinton’s sexual proclivities, but his daughter, Chelsea always was assured of a safe childhood. Hell! From the start, she looked just like her mother, whose looks and demeanor probably had a lot to do with Bill’s proclivities.
Also, by way of honesty, there’s exactly zero evidence that Bill liked prepubescent girls. All eight women that Epstein brought to the Clinton White House could, at least, pass for adult women. Similarly, all of his rape victims – Hey! #BelieveAllWomen, remember? – have been at least nominally adult. Chelsea was going to be safe even if she didn’t look just like Hillary. 😉
Tags: America | Bill Clinton | Chelsea Clinton | Child Abuse | Clinton | Epstein | Hillary | Humor | Pedophiles | Politics | Rape | Sarcasm
2022's Hillarian Weird Start

You know 2022 is off to a very weird start when in the first week of it I read about something that madwoman, Hillary Clinton said near the end of 2021, and actually sort of agree with her. 😮
I think that it is a time for some careful thinking about what wins elections, and not just in deep-blue districts where a Democrat and a liberal Democrat, or so-called progressive Democrat, is going to win. I understand why people want to argue for their priorities. That’s what they believe they were elected to do.
Look, I’m all about having vigorous debate. I think it’s good, and it gives people a chance to be part of the process. But, at the end of the day, it means nothing if we don’t have a Congress that will get things done, and we don’t have a White House that we can count on to be sane and sober and stable and productive.
— Hillary Clinton
And there’s the thing. Strident, shrewish, and freshly crawled out of a bottle of Chardonnay or not, the Uncrowned Queen of the Democrats and ex-owner of the DNC isn’t wrong. And, the simple fact I can say that and feel the need to do so is a weird start to 2022.
Some Triangulation 😈
Now, Hillary’s entire statement surrounds and is founded upon the concept of, “Party Before Politics.” It’s the rather normal cynical view that Democrat politicians’ loyalties should be solely to their Party and they should never allow their views or the views of their constituents to come before that. Hillary also makes it clear that Democrats should work against or rein in their own party members who do not abide by this. Simply put, it’s a philosophy based upon conflict and it holds that defeating Republicans is the most important thing and what their rank and file want is secondary to that.
But, while this is cynical, jaded, and shows that many Democrats, especially Hillary, don’t hold fast to beliefs if such beliefs stand in the way of getting or keeping the jobs they want, it’s a far, far, far cry from being wrong. Currently, the Dems are pandering to their Far-Left elements in the cities that they hold, e.g., NYC, and largely ignoring everywhere else, which is where more old school, moderate Democrats are the norm. And that has cost them before, costs them right now, and will cost them in the 2022 elections and beyond.
So yeah, a very weird start to 2022! Hillary launched into one of her screeds and I agreed with it. Even weirder, I truly wish the Democrats would listen to her and am actually saddened that there’s no realistic hope that they will do so.
Tags: 2022 | America | Clinton | Democrats | Hillary | Leftists | Liberals | Politics | Progressives | The Left | The Squad
She Listened To My PSA

I do so love it when people read and comply with the PSAs and suggestions I make. In this case, this fine Desi babe obviously chose her Halloween costume with my costuming and cosplay suggestion firmly in mind. 😆 😆 😈
Tags: Babes | Cleavage | Costumes | Desi Babes | Halloween | Hillary | Holidays | Humor | Politics | Sexy | Society