Chelsea's Safe Childhood

A lot can be said against ole’ Bill Clinton’s sexual proclivities, but his daughter, Chelsea always was assured of a safe childhood. Hell! From the start, she looked just like her mother, whose looks and demeanor probably had a lot to do with Bill’s proclivities.
Also, by way of honesty, there’s exactly zero evidence that Bill liked prepubescent girls. All eight women that Epstein brought to the Clinton White House could, at least, pass for adult women. Similarly, all of his rape victims – Hey! #BelieveAllWomen, remember? – have been at least nominally adult. Chelsea was going to be safe even if she didn’t look just like Hillary. 😉
Tags: America | Bill Clinton | Chelsea Clinton | Child Abuse | Clinton | Epstein | Hillary | Humor | Pedophiles | Politics | Rape | Sarcasm