Stopping Black Riots
There’s a lot of hand wringing and moaning when it comes to stopping the various riots and aggressive intimidation tactics that the #BlackLivesMatter sorts use against the American people.
Stopping #BlackLivesMatter Riots Is Actually Damn Easy
That’s really silly and based upon a woeful and I dare say wilful ignorance of the “Black Community” and “Blackness” in general. The truth of the matter is that such acts of insurrection are quite easy to break up. All it takes is one Black toddler looking for his or her sire. 😉
Hehe…Them bucks will run away from “baby mamma drama” faster than Libtard from a conflicting opinion.
Tags: #BlackLiesMatter | #BlackLivesMatter | America | Bastardy | Blacks | Humor | Parenting | Politics | Protests | Riots | Sarcasm | Society
July 29th, 2020 at 7:50 am
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