jonolan on New Client, New Problem: “😆 I’m always going to advocate for both. It be too hypocritical for me to do otherwise.” Sep 21, 07:03
Tyler, the Portly Politico on New Client, New Problem: “My top two from this exquisite collection: 1.) 2.) I can’t figure out the winner! Tuscan bouffant or…” Sep 20, 18:59
jonolan on Bikini Interlude 92: “At the risk of poorly extrapolating your position, I’d say that you prefer a more natural, less worked at /…” Jul 28, 08:50
That is an anvilicious but accurate description of how the Democrats’ media outlets report upon anything that an American says or does. They will always twist things to make it out that Americans are both extremists, drastically and dangerously wrong, and evil.
This entry was posted on Monday, June 17th, 2024 at 6:00 am and is filed under Politics, Society.
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It’s a sad and horrific fact that America has a large problem with plague carriers. And no, in the currently being brewed up Monkeypox panicdemic, I don’t mean a small number of queer men who engage in risky semi-public groups sex. I mean the Lamestream Media, which will spread the disease of fear whenever they feel it will benefit either the Democrats, their own pockets, or both.
This entry was posted on Thursday, June 9th, 2022 at 5:01 am and is filed under Politics, Society.
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As we age, some things get harder to watch, what passes for news being near the top of that sad list. With the Lamestream Media being very little else than a Leftist propaganda corps for the sorts that vote Democrat – more and more the more extreme part of the party too – this is unavoidable.
This entry was posted on Thursday, May 12th, 2022 at 8:35 am and is filed under Humor, Politics, Society.
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And that is the fundamental basis of the a cappella agitpop that tries to pass itself off as news in America. The Lamestream Media’s go-to play is to find something, no matter how localized or minute, spin it into something outrageous, and sensationalize it in order to turn it into a widespread “issue” that demands the readers’ or viewers’ attention and reaction. Simply put, it’s how they make their money.
And, when the Lamestream Media is particularly successful, e.g., any negative encounter between a Black and the police, they create an actual nationwide problem that further feeds attention and money to the “news” media’s coffers.
This entry was posted on Thursday, March 18th, 2021 at 11:05 am and is filed under Politics, Society.
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It’s honestly like that these days and has been in ever-increasing severity for many years. Various Leftist and other anti-White/anti-American sorts, e.g., the entirety of the “Black Community,” are tuned to- and trained for being outraged by whatever the Lamestream media tells them be outraged over.
Understand, these sorts are addicted to being outraged. The Lamestream media, reinforced by the social media platforms, has hooked them on it and turned them into outrage junkies. And, like all dealers in destructive things, they greatly profit from their junkies. Indeed, the closest analogy I can come up with is the Lamestream media “whores out” the outrage junkies, much like some pimps addict their “strings” to ensure some level of commitment and loyalty. This is because, to the media, those junkies are products, not customers.
It’s A Total BUMMER
Jaron Lanier, one of the pioneers of Virtual Reality, coined the acronym, BUMMER in his 2018 book, Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now. It means ‘Behaviors of Users Modified and Made into Empires for Rent’ and it aptly describes what the Lamestream Media and Social Media does. They addict people to the outrage they peddle, then rent them to their advertisers and/or the Democrat party.
Social media is biased, not to the Left or the Right, but downward. The relative ease of using negative emotions for the purposes of addiction and manipulation makes it relatively easier to achieve undignified results. An unfortunate combination of biology and math favors degradation of the human world. Information warfare units sway elections, hate groups recruit, and nihilists get amazing bang for the buck when they try to bring society down.
— Jaron Lanier
Lanier, due to his tech hyperfocus, focuses on Social Media, but one can see the same pattern for the same economic reasons in the larger, more traditional media forms and outlets as well. Also, while there might not have been a bias to the Left, there is such a bias today. The new generation of media employees started work with their outrage addiction already in place and getting their fix is easier when their worldview has been modified to fit a Leftist ideology.
Yeah, the sheeple on the Left have been hooked on the dopamine-driven outrage response by the Lamestream and Social Media. They just get their fix from their phone, phablets, tablets, and PCs instead of from a needle, pipe, or line. In the end, junkies are junkies and dealers are dealers.
This entry was posted on Monday, December 7th, 2020 at 3:47 am and is filed under Politics, Society.
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