What's Political Correctness?

What's Political Correctness?
What’s Political Correctness?

There’s a lot of specific ways to phrase this truth, but the one above is as good as any of them. Political Correctness is giving up you own opinion to please assholes or, at least, censoring what you say or do in order to propitiate them.

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Netflix Warns The Woke

Netflix and Chill. Warn the Woke That they're not wanted
Netflix Warns The Woke – Chill Or Leave

Netflix, already reeling from the effects of their choosing to side with Biden in his war, has just updated their corporate culture memo for the first time in nearly five years. In the update the streamers warns the woke in their ranks to chill or leave.

The updated Netflix Culture memo includes a new anti-censorship section called “Artistic Expression,” that warns that the streamer will not “censor specific artists or voices” even if certain employees consider the content to be to“harmful” to one of more specially privileged classes.

If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you.


As employees we support the principle that Netflix offers a diversity of stories, even if we find some titles counter to our own personal values. Depending on your role, you may need to work on titles you perceive to be harmful. If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you.

It seems that Netflix’s leadership understand that “Get Woke, Go Broke” is real and they’ve decided that they’re not going to be the ones who are going to go broke by allowing their employees to “pre-cancel” speech that they hate.

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You Are The Monster

You Are The Monster
You Are The Monster

The above illustrates the core and bulk of all Democrat sociopolitical strategies and the modus operandi of every single Liberal, Progressive, #Woke, #CancelCulture, #Antiracist devotee and profiteer. They are monsters. People need to, for their own protection, their children’s protection, and the defense our our nation, treat them as such and as nothing else.

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Liberal Jesus

Liberal Jesus And His/Her/Its Teachings
Liberal Jesus And His/Her/Its Teachings

According to Woke Theology, an offshoot of Black Liberation Theology created and co-opted by “White” Liberals, their Jesus not only doesn’t want his cultists to forgive people, he demands that they never forgive any past statement or action that goes against the tenets-of-the-day of Wokeness.

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Insane Woke Autophagia

Insane Woke Autophagia
Insane Woke Autophagia

While in general this is nothing new among the Left, it’s always face-palmingly bizarre, but freaking hilarious, to see, hear, or read of the Woke sorts turning on each other and devouring their own.

In this case, it’s that very Woke, very social justice conscious mixed-race, immigrant, queer couple, Sonam Parikh and Kate Egghart, had to close their cafe, Mina’s Café, in Philadelphia because of the actions of their even more woke and much more hate-filled employees despite the fact that Mina’s Café’s whole point was to be an exclusive them “safe space” for queers and trans of color and was staffed entirely by others like them.

Cannibalism Or Autophagia

I’m not, and I’m pretty sure nobody else is, sure about exactly what these woke freaks’ revolt was over, except possibly just wanting to seize the business for themselves in an orgy of quasi-violently applied Socialism, but it really doesn’t matter in the long run. They ate their own.

Woke Mia Culpa Or Hostage Video?

And Egghart’s and Parikh’s capitulation video was creepy as Hell too. It looked like a hostage video and, in all senses of the phrase except physical restraint, it likely was exactly that.

Well, the uber woke “workers” got half their wishes. Mina’s World closed last week. Of course, that means they’re out of work and, given what they are and how they’ve so publicly acted, that unemployment will most likely and rightly be very long-term if not permanent.

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