Liberal Jesus

Liberal Jesus And His/Her/Its Teachings
Liberal Jesus And His/Her/Its Teachings

According to Woke Theology, an offshoot of Black Liberation Theology created and co-opted by “White” Liberals, their Jesus not only doesn’t want his cultists to forgive people, he demands that they never forgive any past statement or action that goes against the tenets-of-the-day of Wokeness.

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Ready For Obamaween?

Are You Ready For Obamaween?

Are you ready for 2013’s Obamaween? October 31st is, after all, the night when the hordes of Obama cultists will take to the streets – no! those aren’t costumes, you bigot! – and go door to door to extort “treats” from you. And remember that they’re entitled to them and you’re a racist if you don’t give them anything and everything that they want. 😉

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A Test Of Loyalty

Obama - a cult of personality and race, not substance or characterThe upcoming Congressional vote on whether or not to give Obama permission to embroil America in Syria’s civil war may well come down to a test of loyalty for his followers and fellow travelers within the beltway.

Many, even among the Democrats in Congress, can find no earthly reason for the US to engage Assad’s government aside from protecting Obama’s nonexistent credibility.

Congresswoman (D.C. Delegate) Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) made this point bluntly clear in a recent interview.

Del. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON (D-DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA): I happen to believe there has to be a response. I do, I do believe in crimes against humanity need to be addressed, and I am, I can’t believe that the only way to address it is a slight bombing which will somehow punish somebody or deter somebody. I don’t know if there’s some way other than a military way to address this.

BILL PRESS, HOST: You’re kind to join us this morning, Congresswoman. Let me just ask you one final question before we let you go. If, as you said, if the vote were held today, the president would probably not win it. If he doesn’t win it, a week from now, do you think the president will be justified in taking action on his own, you know, unilaterally with Congress having voted against it?

HOLMES NORTON: No, oh boy, no. I think it’ll be like the red line trap. He said if the red line you cross it. I think once you say, “I’m going to Congress,” you can’t say, “Okay, I’m going to do it anyway.”

PRESS: Yeah, yeah, I don’t…

HOLMES NORTON: So I think he’ll be in real trouble if he then does it anyway. No president has done that.

PRESS: It’s not an easy decision for any of you, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton.

HOLMES NORTON: Oh, and I’d like to say, Bill, that if he gets saved at all, I think it’ll be because, it’ll be because of loyalty of Democrats. They just don’t want to see him shamed and humiliated on the national stage.

PRESS: Yeah, right.

HOLMES NORTON: At the, at the moment, that’s the only reason I would vote for it if I could vote on it.

That pretty much sums up the overall position of Congress. The only reason that Obama might get Congressional permission for his latest foreign adventure is that many don’t want to maim or destroy the boy’s cult of personality, irrespective of the what the costs of maintaining it are to our nation.

I’m afraid, however, that I don’t share Del. Holmes Norton’s confidence that Obama would abide by “No” vote by Congress, especially if the House votes “no” and the Senate votes “yes” or even comes close to voting in favor it. There’s always the possibility that the House could vote against a US military strike and Obama could go forward with it anyway. Obama and some others have already argued that the boy would have the constitutional authority to order strikes without Congress’ authorization, though how they come up with idea beggars reason.

Remember also that Obama is still begging for foreign authorization for striking Syria in aid of Al-Qaeda and the other jihadis rebelling against Assad’s government. As with Libya, this is all the boy’s ever felt he needed to send in American troops.

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Another Lexiconical Shift

Since the death cult’s birth the Warmists have struggled with naming the climatic system that forms the core of their faith. Time and time again both the facts in evidence and the public’s skepticism has forced them into lexiconical shifts:

Global Warming Is a Hoax - They will do for the sake of AGW what they would refuse to do in the name of Socialism

  1. Global Warming
  2. Climate Change
  3. Climate Chaos
  4. Climate Disruption
  5. Climate Uncertainty
  6. Carbon Pollution

Truth be told, it’s been rather amusing to-date to watch and listen to the Warmists scrambling and scrabbling about, trying to re-brand dogma every year or so in an attempt to wrench it into some semblance of a shape that matches reality while still providing an excuse for their attacks upon Western Civilization and the basic liberties of its citizenry.

The free peoples of the world will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of Global Warming they will adopt every fragment of the socialist platform, or so the Warmists hope.

The most recent change, however, is not humorous in the least. The problem is that the latest re-branding, “Carbon Pollution” came from Obama’s  campaign machine, Organizing for Action. They declared the new name Tuesday, August 13, 2013. Given the proclivities and pathology of the Thug-in-Chief, there’s little doubt that this re-branding of Global Warming is a precursor to the Obama Regime use of the various regulatory agencies under its control to enact the Warmists’ agenda without the factual color of law or bothering with garnering the legal authority to do so.

If CO2 is now Carbon Pollution, then one of the greatest polluters is Obama. He’s spewing out great gusts of it with his constant campaigning and jabbering rantings.

By the Warmists’ own accounting the boy’s “sustainability” should be brought into question. 😉

This recent change in naming, coming as it does from the Obama Regime’s proxies and foot soldiers, should concern each and every American. With the collapse of the Warmists’ cult’s public acceptance, they’re desperate and desperate people are often willing to go to extreme measures to stave off utter failure and total collapse. This is made worse by their alliance with the Obama Regime, who has never shown much respect for America’s law or its People.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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That Old Black Magic

In a previous post Alan Scott made a good observation about the 2012 Democratic National Convention and Obama’s and his cronies’ performance throughout it.

If you watch the convention you would think that the old magic is still there. The faithful are enthralled with the speakers praising our fearless leader. The hardcore zombies lap up the twin philosophies of victimhood and scapegoat politics. They are the victims and rich white men are the scapegoats.

Yep! Alan is right. That Old Black Magic still seems to be strong. Obama and Co. can still pack them in, if not quite in the same order of magnitude as before he’d actually had to do anything.

I Worship Obama

That’s the advantage of having a cult of personality as opposed to having to rely upon plans and results. The zombie cultists can always be counted upon to shuffle in and chant or groan in the appropriate manner. 😉

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