Do You Have A Permit?
With ObamaCare being imposed upon the American people by President Obama and cabal of Liberals in Congress be assured that they will soon turn their destructive eyes back to Cap & Trade and punitive regulation of the energy sector of the American economy.
If they manage to pass some variant of the traitors, Rep. Henry Waxman’s (D-CA) and Rep. Edward Markey’s American Clean Energy Security Act, America’s economy – especially at the average consumer level – is going to be horribly harmed, possibly beyond the point of recovery.
That is the point of their exercise and to be expected; you can’t “fundamentally change“ America without first destroying all that it is.
But President Obama’s and his Liberals’ Cap & Trade scheme, like almost all man-caused disasters, would not be without its humorous side.
Do You Have A Permit For Those Emissions, Buster?
Can’t you just picture this happening? The insectile mindlessness and regimen of the average bureaucrat and their enforcers combined with the hubris and narcissism of Obama’s regime makes such a ludicrous scenario almost assured.
After all, if one is beset by such arrogance that one believes that he can fundamentally change the very planet Earth, it’s a small step to deciding to regulate it. 😉
Tags: AGW | Cap & Trade | Climate Change | CO2 | Economy | Global Warming | Government | Hubris | Humor | Liberals | Markey | Obama | Politics | Pride | The Environment | Volcanoes | Waxman
April 24th, 2010 at 6:59 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by jonolan. jonolan said: New Post – Do You Have A Permit? – […]
April 25th, 2010 at 8:43 am
Now this post is pretty out there. I understand that you are worried more about your wallet than your children, but your hate of Obama shines through when you move on to correlate control with regulation. Don’t you think things have gone a little too far by comparing absolutely everything that can possibly be bad with Obama? The census? … I mean, come on … this isn’t the first year we have had a census.
By siding with the major pollutants, regardless of whether or not you believe in Global Warming, you are simply either showing ignorance or being brainwashed. It is in nobodies interest but the pollutants to continue polluting. They have been lying to you for so long, telling you that ‘prices will rise substantially’ if they are not allowed to pollute, you forget that in a free market that isn’t necessarily how things work. There are currently, for example, plenty of clean energy companies … strangely, their energy prices aren’t substantially higher than that of coal. Why is that? … because Coal’s profit margins are simply substantially higher.
Oh, and please don’t start printing profit margins of said companies, with that baseless claim that “See, they are only operating on a 3% profit margin”. That holds as much truth as clean coal.
Sorry for the aggression …
April 25th, 2010 at 10:28 am
Interesting, zhann; you claim I’m ignorant or brainwashed and then you comment.
You might want to think about your own level of education on the topic of energy production and the sources of that education. So far in the US there are no alternative / sustainable / “green” power companies that can operate successfully and profitably in the free market. All of them rely on government subsidies in order to sell their wattage at current market prices.
April 26th, 2010 at 11:15 am
Why are you so concerned with America? There is an entire world out there that has renewable energy production which operates without subsidies. Using the USA as a base is meaningless, this is among the most corrupt nations in the world on an elite level, especially with regards to energy.
If the coal industry was forced to pay for their pollution, which is completely logical considering it is only a matter of time before the taxpayer will be forced to clean it up, renewable energy would take off. There are a small handful of companies competing for this market because nobody wants to partake in its production … which I am relatively convinced has much to do with the fact that those energy producers, such as coal, have no interest in having competition and are doing everything in their power to keep it under wraps.
I know that you are likely thinking that this current response is opinion with no concrete facts to support it, but facts on government corruption and those involving the major energy players will never be found. This is something you either believe in or don’t … depending on how honest you feel your government is.